Can my home WiFi be hacked?

Jobs that required us to commute to work physically can now be completed at home in a pair of comfortable pyjamas, thanks to technological advancements. Most of the world's work has gone online, especially after the spread of the Coronavirus, and schools and universities have followed suit. This trend does not appear to go anywhere anytime soon. There are many solid reasons for it: Remote employment has been connected to a slew of advantages for employees and lower overhead expenses for businesses.

On the other hand, working remotely brings new concerns and obstacles, particularly in terms of network security. Home networks do not have access to the same stringent cybersecurity protocols that business networks do. Instead, you're left to protect your own devices! So, the question of your home getting hacked is still there, and the answer, in one word, is yes, your WiFi can get hacked. Let us see how it can get hacked and protect your home network.

How Does Your Home Wi-Fi Get Hacked?

We've highlighted some common ways your home WiFi could be hacked and some ways to protect your home network and prevent cybercriminals from gaining access to your network.

Pre-Settings by Default

Did you change the default settings when setting up your home's WiFi?

New routers come with a default name, a service set identifier (SSID), and an IP password. Default passwords are frequently well-known and easy to guess. Change the SSID and router password once your Internet is up and running. Use a long, convoluted string of numbers and symbols to improve password security.

Internet of Things (IoT) Devices That Aren't Secure

Hacking is possible on any Internet of Things (IoT) device that connects to a network. Your connected devices, from smart locks to security cameras, could allow cybercriminals to gain access to your wifi and steal your data.

Firmware that is no longer supported

Hackers are constantly seeking methods to take advantage of network weaknesses, particularly when it comes to firmware.

Firmware is the software that teaches a piece of hardware, such as your router, how to work. Firmware, like passwords and connected devices, needs to be updated regularly. When you ignore critical updates, you risk exposing security holes that allow hackers to take control of your network.

The router's manufacturer determines how to update the firmware. At least once every three months, we recommend contacting the manufacturer and checking for firmware upgrades.

What is the Risk of a Router Being Hacked?

A router breach poses the risk of unleashing a slew of new hazards, ranging from the seemingly innocuous to the grave. Someone who has hacked your router can do the following with that degree of access −

  • Drain your bandwidth − This is more unpleasant than damaging, but if someone is using your wifi to stream games and movies (or even mine bitcoin), you'll have a lot less bandwidth left for your activities.

  • Spy on your Internet traffic − Anyone with access to your wifi network can monitor all traffic flowing through it from any device connected to it. This includes your computer, phone, and the computers and phones of your family, as well as your video gaming console, smart home devices, and more.

  • Access illicit content − Just because you have a spotless Internet history doesn't mean your wifi hacker does. They can use your Internet connection to access or upload unlawful content, stream or download pirated content, buy on the dark web, and do a variety of other nefarious things, all while using your name.

  • Steal your personal information − A router hacker can capture whatever you type into a website that uses an unencrypted connection, such as HTTP. That includes everyone who is connected to your hacked WiFi. Never enter important information, such as a password, onto a website that is not encrypted with HTTPS.

  • Infect it with malware − There is router malware, to be sure. A hacker who has access to your network can infect your router's firmware with malware, laying the groundwork for future attacks and espionage.

How Can You Safeguard Your Devices from Being Hacked?

With news of countries being hacked today, no one may be safe. What's to stop lesser hackers from acquiring your information if big businesses like Microsoft can be hacked? You can do steps to protect yourself from hackers and keep your smart home gadgets safe.

We will be vulnerable to hackers as long as we are addicted to our phones and computers, but you can do steps to defend yourself in a world of constant cyber conflict.

  • Install security software or check to see whether yours is up to date − Although this may appear to be common sense, having an extra layer of safety is critical.

  • Antivirus and antimalware software should be installed: Like security software, sowing a firewall will keep dangers at bay − Be careful of phishing scams and efforts to steal your personal information.

  • When you're not using your connection, please turn it off − By disabling your WiFi or Bluetooth connection, fewer individuals will be able to connect or even be aware that it exists, protecting you and your house.

  • Install a VPN − Downloading a reputable VPN, such as ExpressVPN will provide you with a layer of privacy and encrypt your web browser.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022


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