Can I pass a value from one HTML page to another HTML page without passing it in URL?

No, you cannot send a value directly between HTML pages without utilising the URL. Since HTML is a static markup language, it lacks native data transmission capabilities across pages. You'll need to employ other technologies, such as JavaScript or server-side scripting, which can save data in cookies, local storage, or session storage, in order to achieve data sharing. By using these techniques, you can transfer data across pages without disclosing it in the URL.

Methods Used

  • Cookies

  • Local Storage

  • Server-Side Scripting

  • Form Submission

  • AJAX

  • Web Storage API

  • IndexedDB


Yes, using cookies allows you to transmit values between HTML pages without using URLs. On the first page, you can use JavaScript to set a cookie with the desired information. The cookie can be read to recover the saved value when the user switches to the second page. This maintains user privacy and enables seamless data transfer without revealing it in the URL, making it possible to transmit information between HTML sites more effectively.


  • Setup Cookie − Use JavaScript to set the desired data in a cookie on the initial HTML page. Use the document.cookie attribute to accomplish this.

  • Accessing the Second Page − On the first page, include a link or a button that directs users to the second page, where you want to access the value.

  • Reading the Cookie − Use JavaScript once more to read the cookie that was set on the initial HTML page. Utilise document.cookie to get the saved value.

  • Process the Data − After obtaining the cookie value on the second page, you can proceed with processing the data as necessary to carry out your intended actions.

Local Storage

The Local Storage strategy entails using JavaScript's 'localStorage' object in order to transmit a value between two HTML pages without needing a URL.This technique makes it possible to store information in the local storage of the browser on one page and subsequently access it on another page while still in the same browsing session. Without disclosing information from the URL, it ensures seamless data flow between pages while protecting data privacy. This method offers permanent storage that is accessible even if the user navigates away from the page or shuts the browser, and it is effective and secure.


  • Using localStorage.setItem() method on the source HTML page , set the value in the local storage.

  • Using the localStorage.getItem() method, retrieve the value from the local storage and place it on the destination HTML page.

  • To prevent issues, make sure the value is present in the local storage before attempting to get it.

  • After it has been retrieved, you can utilise the value as necessary for your application logic on the destination page.

  • You can remove a value from local storage using the localStorage.removeItem() method if it is no longer required or should not survive the current session.

Server Side Scripting

Server Side Scripting provides a way for sending values between HTML pages without utilising the URL. Data can be sent from one website to another using server side scripting without being seen in the URL. When the first page is accessed, for example, you can store the value in session variables on the server using tools like PHP or Node.js. The server can then fetch and show the saved value on the second page upon receipt of the succeeding page request. This strategy ensures data security and privacy, making it a useful way to transfer data between HTML sites.


  • Make sure your server is configured to support server-side scripting languages like Node.js or PHP.

  • To capture the value you wish to pass, establish a form on the first HTML page or use JavaScript.

  • To send the value to the server via an HTTP request, use JavaScript or a form submit.

  • Acquire the value and save it in a session variable or database in the server-side script (for example, a PHP script).

  • Utilise server-side scripting to make another data request from the server on the second HTML page.

  • Use the server-side script to get the value out of the database or session.

  • Lastly, show the retrieved value in the preferred manner on the second HTML page.

Form Submission

The "Form Submission" method entails developing an HTML form with hidden input fields in order to provide values without utilising the URL. On the first page, JavaScript may then set the desired values in these hidden fields. When a user submits a form, the information is transmitted to the server, where it can be processed and the user can be redirected to a second page with the appropriate values. This essentially passes the values between HTML pages without revealing them in the URL.


  • In the first HTML page, create a form with all the required input fields, including any hidden fields that will hold the values you intend to pass.

  • Depending on the data you wish to communicate, you can use JavaScript to dynamically set hidden input field values based on user interactions or particular events.

  • Use JavaScript to programmatically submit the form when the user takes an action that causes the data transmission, such as clicking a button.

  • Process the form submission and retrieve the data from any hidden input fields on the server side.

  • On the server side, process the data as required. For example, you may store it in a database or take particular actions based on the values you get.

  • Using server-side code, send the user to the second HTML page when the data has been processed.

  • On the second page, if necessary, access the data passed through the submission of the form using JavaScript or server-side scripting.


In conclusion, there are a number of successful methods for transmitting values between HTML pages without utilising the URL. Data transmission can be made secure and effective by using JavaScript, cookies, local storage, server-side scripting, form submission, AJAX, Web Storage API, or IndexedDB. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, and the selection relies on the particular needs. While HTML itself lacks native data transmission capabilities, developers can easily share data by utilising these technologies, improving user experience and protecting data privacy. Without disclosing important information in the URL, developers can design dynamic and interactive web apps and guarantee smooth data transfer by using the right strategy.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023

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