Can I make an Android app with Python?

Yes, we can make an Android App with Python, let’s understand how with the following article.

Why Use Python for Android App Development?

Python has recently emerged as one of the most popular programming languages. Some of the benefits of using the Python framework for Android app development include:

Faster Programming Performance

Python programs, unlike other programming languages, are immediately executed by the interpreter, i.e., without a compiler, making it an ideal language for programming because it takes less time to execute and has a more basic technique for catching errors.

Test-Driven Development Compatibility

Python makes it simple to create application prototypes. It fully supports prototype development and allows you to develop applications directly from prototypes by refactoring them. Moreover, Python is compatible with multiple OS, so it may be used to build and run code on a variety of platforms.

Various Libraries

Python-based Android app development allows you to select modules from its wide library of helpful and robust libraries based on your needs without any coding.

Strong Community

A community is important in the development of a language. Python has a very active community that produces countless guides, tutorials, and documentation, which gives it an advantage.

What Kinds of Apps Can You Develop in Python?

Audio-video apps

Python app development allows you to create music and other audio and video apps. Python may be used to search for audio and video content on the Internet. Python modules like OpenCV and PyDub can help you create successful software.

Game app development

Python is used to create games such as "Battlefield 2," "EVE Online," and many others. All features and add-ons in Battlefield 2 are written in Python. Python is also used in "World of Tanks" for a variety of functions.

Using Python and Pygame, developers can design rapid game prototypes and test them in real time. Python can also be used to create game design tools that aid in the development process, such as level designs and dialog trees.

Blockchain Application

It is one of the most popular technological developments, and it truly dominates the market. Blockchain development is challenging for coders, but Python makes it simple.

Python is a simple language that facilitates the development of blockchain applications. HTTP requests can be used by developers to interface with the blockchain through the Internet.

Moreover, the developer will use a Python framework such as Flask to create endpoints for various blockchain features. Python allows developers to run scripts on several devices and create distributed networks.

Command-line apps

The command line and console apps are identical. It is a command-line or shell-based computer program with no graphical user interface.

Python's Real-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) feature makes it perfect for such command-line apps. Because Python is a well-known programming language, top app development companies have a number of free Python libraries for creating command-line apps.

Machine learning apps

Machine learning development, another technology trend in the last decade, is an algorithmic technology that delivers data to operating systems and enables intelligent decision-making.

Creating a machine learning app was formerly a difficult job, but Python has made it more accessible. Python has free machine-learning libraries such as Pandas and Scikit. It is free to use under the GNU license.

Platforms used for Android Development using Python


QPython is a Python script engine that runs on Android devices. It includes the Python interpreter, console, editor, and the SL4A Android library. It enables the Android device to run Python scripts and projects.


Pyside is a Python library for creating cross-platform graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It's a Python binding to the QT framework. The QT library is one of the most capable GUI libraries available. It was created by Digia and the QT Project.


PyMob is an open-source software package that is used to evaluate the atomic mobility parameters for CALPHAD-type Kinetic Databases using raw data, namely the experimental tracer diffusion coefficients. The software comprises entirely of an automated assessment procedure.


Pyqtdeploy is an application deployment tool of PyQt. It is compatible with desktop systems such as Linux, Windows, and OS X, as well as mobile platforms such as iOS and Android. Pyqtdeploy works by freezing specific modules from a PyQt program and storing them in a Qt resource file that has been converted to C++ code by Qt's RCC tool. The standard Python library is also supported.

Pyqtdeploy additionally creates a file that defines all of the generated C++ code. Qt's qmake tool then builds a platform-specific Makefile, which generates a single executable.


Kivy is a free and open-source Python framework for developing mobile apps and other multi-touch applications with a natural user experience. It is distributed under the MIT License and is compatible with Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Aside from the tools mentioned above, some other tools assist developers in building code that can run on the Android operating system. All of these platforms generate native source code for the platforms that they support. The produced native code is identical to a hand-written script and may be easily optimized using native compilers.

Python-based Android App Development Problems

Though Python app creation is doable, it will not be as effective or reliable as Java app development. As we all know, Java is the official language of Android, as established by Google. Java for Android is the Standard of Android, and other languages we employ may not be as capable as Java.

Let us look at some of the possible problems that occur:

  • These frameworks may not support all of the Android operating system's features.

  • We cannot always use our tools.

  • These codes may not be extremely fast because they generate native code first, which is subsequently optimized using native compilers.

  • High-level graphics may not be supported at times, and 2D and 3D graphic functionality are also not present.


In this article, we learned how to utilize Python to create mobile apps, as well as platforms for doing so.

Updated on: 09-Nov-2022

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