Can a Face Ice Bath Cure a Hangover Bust Anxiety Clear Skin & More?

Face ice baths have become popular in recent years to possibly treat hangovers, reduce anxiety, get clear skin, and offer other health advantages. The procedure entails briefly immersing the skin in icy water. Some people are confident about its effectiveness, while others are unsure of its advantages. This piece will examine the science behind face ice baths and their purported advantages, safe practices, and potential substitutes. While facial ice baths may have some benefits, speaking with a healthcare provider before implementing new health regimens is always advisable.

The Supposed Benefits of Face ice Baths

Face ice showers are said to have several advantages, some of which are as follows −

  • Facial ice baths can help with hangover symptoms by decreasing swelling and inflammation, enhancing blood supply to the brain, and reducing inflammation.

  • Relief from anxiety − By triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, which encourages relaxation and lowers the body's stress reaction, face ice baths may also be used to lessen anxiety.

  • Clearer skin − The ice bath's cold temperature may help lessen inflammation and narrow pores, resulting in smoother skin.

  • Reduced inflammation − It has been shown that applying cold compresses to the body can reduce inflammation all over the body. This may help alleviate pain, swelling, and other symptoms brought on by various medical conditions.

Although many claims to have experienced these advantages from face ice baths, it's essential to remember that there isn't much scientific proof to support these claims. More research is required to comprehend this practice's potential advantages and restrictions completely.

The Science Behind Face ice Baths

Face ice treatments operate under the same tenets as cryotherapy or cold therapy. When the face is exposed to freezing temps, the blood vessels in the epidermis tighten or constrict, reducing blood flow and reducing swelling and inflammation. You can alleviate pain while reducing swelling and puffiness in the face.

According to studies, treating a cold has various positive health effects, such as lowering inflammation, enhancing circulation, bolstering the immune system, and elevating mood. However, most of these studies have concentrated on the outcomes of whole-body cryotherapy, which entails submerging the entire body in extremely low temperatures rather than just the face.

Face ice showers may have some benefits, but it's important to be aware that they also come with some dangers, such as the potential for hypothermia, frostbite, or the escalation of certain medical conditions. As a result, exercising care and speaking with a physician before taking an ice bath for the face is advised.

How to do a Face ice Bath

Here are the steps for performing a face ice bath −

Ice chunks should be added to cold water in a big bowl or sink. The water shouldn't be freezing, just chilly.

  • Step 1 − Start the ice bath by carefully cleaning your face.

  • Step 2 − To prevent your hair from getting wet during the procedure, tie it back with a towel.

  • Step 3 − Put your forehead under the water for 15–30 seconds. Avoid getting the water in your mouth or nostrils by holding your breath.

  • Step 4 − Lift your forehead out of the water after 15 to 30 seconds and take a few slow, deep breaths.

  • Step 5 − Repeat the procedure several times, with breaks in between.

  • Step 6 − When done, pat your face dry with a fresh towel before rehydrating your complexion with a moisturizer or serum.

Other Alternatives to Face ice Baths

There are several alternatives to face ice baths that may provide similar benefits −

  • Cryotherapy for the complete body entails briefly submerging it in extremely cold temperatures. It has been demonstrated to have several health advantages, such as lowering inflammation, enhancing circulation, and enhancing the defense system.

  • Showering in cool water can also help to lower inflammation and increase circulation. Additionally, it might enhance vigor and elevate mood.

  • Applying a cold compress to the face can help reduce swelling and inflammation, offering a comparable advantage to an ice bath.

  • Exercises involving deep breathing − Deep breathing exercises can assist in triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, which encourages relaxation and lowers anxiousness.

  • Regular exercise has enhanced several health-related factors, such as reducing inflammation, raising contentment, and promoting relaxation.


In conclusion, face ice baths have been promoted for their purported advantages, which include the ability to treat hangovers, lessen anxiety, and promote clear skin. Although some individuals claim to have experienced these advantages, little scientific proof supports these claims. However, it has been demonstrated that the basic idea behind cold therapy has several health advantages, including improving circulation and decreasing inflammation. Alternatives to ice baths include cold compresses, cold showers, and exercise, all of which may have comparable benefits. Before attempting new health practices, speaking with a medical expert is always advisable. You should also exercise caution when conducting a face ice bath because it carries some risks if not done correctly.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023


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