Calm Your Racing Mind to Get Better Sleep

If you're having trouble getting quality sleep, it can be easy to feel frustrated and exhausted. But before you reach for the sleeping pills, consider that a racing mind may be keeping you awake at night. Life can be overwhelming, and it's normal to have worries and anxieties weighing on your mind – but sometimes, our minds simply won't turn off. Thankfully, there are ways to quiet your racing thoughts so that you can drift off into a peaceful slumber and get the restful sleep you need. In this post, we'll explore why an overactive mind keeps us up at night and provide some tips for anyone struggling with a busy brain who just won't quit!

Techniques to Quiet a Racing Mind

Deep Breathing and Mindfulness Exercises

If you feel like your mind is constantly bombarded with negative or chaotic thoughts, deep breathing and mindfulness exercises can help you regain control by resetting your focus. Short breaks throughout the day to ground yourself with a few slow and deliberate breaths can offer a much-needed sense of serenity and clarity. In many cases, using mindfulness exercises brings about feelings of relaxation, sharper concentration, and even improved sleep. A helpful trick to stay focused on your breathing exercise is to pay attention to how each inhalation and exhalation feel in your body. It helps create a conscious connection between calming down's physical and mental components. Additionally, regular practice will eventually lead to positive long-term results.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Techniques

CBT is a form of psychological therapy that focuses on changing negative thought patterns to lead to a more empowered and happier mindset. Practising mindfulness is one of the most beneficial CBT techniques, as it allows individuals to become more aware of their thoughts and behaviours and better regulate their emotions. This technique involves being present at the moment and accepting any thoughts or feelings that come your way without trying to push them away. Additionally, CBT suggests using writing tools such as gratitude journals or thought records to gain insight into automatic thinking patterns. The key to calming your racing mind is learning to recognise false, negative beliefs and embracing positive ones - allowing you to realise more peace of mind.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is a relaxation technique that combines deep breathing and muscle tensing to help the body and mind relax and release any built-up tension. It has been found to be helpful for those who experience anxiety, stress and racing thoughts. The practice works by tensing the muscles throughout your body, beginning with your toes and gradually moving upward, then holding the position for several seconds before releasing it and consciously letting go of any worry or stress in that area. During this process, you should be breathing deeply, with each breath slowing your heart rate and releasing some of the excess tension. Once all the muscles have gone through this cycle of tensing and relaxation, this will ultimately result in calming both your body and your mind. PMR can not only provide short-term relief from anxiety; regular practice might also result in a long-lasting improvement in overall well-being.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Exercise and physical activity cause your body to produce Endorphins - hormones that make you happier and more relaxed. Outside and connecting with nature is another way of enhancing the calming effects of exercise. It gives you a break from everyday stress and provides mental clarity, so you can focus better on your goals or daily tasks. Regular physical activity also improves the overall function of vital organs such as the heart, lungs and brain; therefore, it not only grants relief from anxiety and stress but also strengthens the body to cope with life's challenges more healthily.

Practical Habits for Better Sleep

Creating a Sleep Routine

Creating a sleep routine can be an extremely effective way of sleeping better at night. It's ideal for establishing consistent times for sleep and waking up each day, even on the weekends. With a sleep routine, your body naturally becomes more familiar with your sleep cycle.

Limiting Exposure to Screens before Bedtime

Studies have shown that lights emitted from devices such as phones and TVs disrupt our circadian rhythms, affecting how easily we can settle into slumber at night. Limiting exposure to bright and blue lights after dark helps your body know it's time to rest. If you can't resist having screen time before bed, try setting your phone or tablet's display to Night-shift mode, which helps reduce the amount of blue light emitted from those devices. You should also give yourself enough time before snuggling into bed so that any pre-bed media's stimulating effects are given time to wane.

Avoiding Caffeine and Alcohol

Unsurprisingly, the types of substances you consume can greatly impact your sleep quality. While they may provide temporary relief, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime can significantly improve sleep quality. Caffeine in coffee, tea, or sodas can remain in your system for up to twelve hours after consumption. Likewise, drinking alcohol before bed will initially act as an effective sedative, but taking its effects away results in disrupted sleep patterns and poor rest. So if you want to get deep and restful sleep each night, try cutting out mild stimulants like caffeine and alcohol from your pre-bedtime routine for better results.

Practising Gratitude and Positivity

Practising gratitude and setting yourself on an optimistic path before you get into bed can greatly affect how peacefully you sleep. Focusing on the things you are grateful for and shifting your mindset to appreciate the positive aspects of life creates an environment of calmness and contentment. Taking a few minutes before bedtime each night to express your thanks for what you have, for all that has gone right, and for the future possibilities will make it easier for you to drift off into a sound sleep. Being thankful and focusing on positivity as part of your nighttime routine will also help create a cycle of deeply restorative, rejuvenating rest every night.


If your thoughts keep you up at night, try these tips and see what works best for you. Getting enough sleep is important for your health and well-being, so don't be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for you. Sweet dreams!

Updated on: 14-Feb-2023


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