C program to detect tokens in a C program

Here, we will create a c program to detect tokens in a C program. This is called the lexical analysis phase of the compiler. The lexical analyzer is the part of the compiler that detects the token of the program and sends it to the syntax analyzer.

Token is the smallest entity of the code, it is either a keyword, identifier, constant, string literal, symbol.

Examples of different types of tokens in C.


Keywords: for, if, include, etc
Identifier: variables, functions, etc
separators: ‘,’, ‘;’, etc
operators: ‘-’, ‘=’, ‘++’, etc

Program to detect tokens in a C program


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#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
bool isValidDelimiter(char ch) {
   if (ch == ' ' || ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' ||
   ch == '/' || ch == ',' || ch == ';' || ch == '>' ||
   ch == '<' || ch == '=' || ch == '(' || ch == ')' ||
   ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '{' || ch == '}')
   return (true);
   return (false);
bool isValidOperator(char ch){
   if (ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' ||
   ch == '/' || ch == '>' || ch == '<' ||
   ch == '=')
   return (true);
   return (false);
// Returns 'true' if the string is a VALID IDENTIFIER.
bool isvalidIdentifier(char* str){
   if (str[0] == '0' || str[0] == '1' || str[0] == '2' ||
   str[0] == '3' || str[0] == '4' || str[0] == '5' ||
   str[0] == '6' || str[0] == '7' || str[0] == '8' ||
   str[0] == '9' || isValidDelimiter(str[0]) == true)
   return (false);
   return (true);
bool isValidKeyword(char* str) {
   if (!strcmp(str, "if") || !strcmp(str, "else") || !strcmp(str, "while") || !strcmp(str, "do") ||    !strcmp(str, "break") || !strcmp(str, "continue") || !strcmp(str, "int")
   || !strcmp(str, "double") || !strcmp(str, "float") || !strcmp(str, "return") || !strcmp(str,    "char") || !strcmp(str, "case") || !strcmp(str, "char")
   || !strcmp(str, "sizeof") || !strcmp(str, "long") || !strcmp(str, "short") || !strcmp(str, "typedef") || !strcmp(str, "switch") || !strcmp(str, "unsigned")
   || !strcmp(str, "void") || !strcmp(str, "static") || !strcmp(str, "struct") || !strcmp(str, "goto"))
   return (true);
   return (false);
bool isValidInteger(char* str) {
   int i, len = strlen(str);
   if (len == 0)
   return (false);
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if (str[i] != '0' && str[i] != '1' && str[i] != '2'&& str[i] != '3' && str[i] != '4' && str[i] != '5'
      && str[i] != '6' && str[i] != '7' && str[i] != '8' && str[i] != '9' || (str[i] == '-' && i > 0))
      return (false);
   return (true);
bool isRealNumber(char* str) {
   int i, len = strlen(str);
   bool hasDecimal = false;
   if (len == 0)
   return (false);
   for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if (str[i] != '0' && str[i] != '1' && str[i] != '2' && str[i] != '3' && str[i] != '4' && str[i]       != '5' && str[i] != '6' && str[i] != '7' && str[i] != '8'
      && str[i] != '9' && str[i] != '.' || (str[i] == '-' && i > 0))
      return (false);
         if (str[i] == '.')
      hasDecimal = true;
   return (hasDecimal);
char* subString(char* str, int left, int right) {
   int i;
   char* subStr = (char*)malloc( sizeof(char) * (right - left + 2));
   for (i = left; i <= right; i++)
      subStr[i - left] = str[i];
   subStr[right - left + 1] = '\0';
   return (subStr);
void detectTokens(char* str) {
   int left = 0, right = 0;
   int length = strlen(str);
   while (right <= length && left <= right) {
      if (isValidDelimiter(str[right]) == false)
      if (isValidDelimiter(str[right]) == true && left == right) {
         if (isValidOperator(str[right]) == true)
         printf("Valid operator : '%c'
", str[right]);          right++;          left = right;       } else if (isValidDelimiter(str[right]) == true && left != right || (right == length && left !=       right)) {          char* subStr = subString(str, left, right - 1);          if (isValidKeyword(subStr) == true)             printf("Valid keyword : '%s'
", subStr);          else if (isValidInteger(subStr) == true)             printf("Valid Integer : '%s'
", subStr);          else if (isRealNumber(subStr) == true)             printf("Real Number : '%s'
", subStr);          else if (isvalidIdentifier(subStr) == true             && isValidDelimiter(str[right - 1]) == false)          printf("Valid Identifier : '%s'
", subStr);          else if (isvalidIdentifier(subStr) == false             && isValidDelimiter(str[right - 1]) == false)          printf("Invalid Identifier : '%s'
", subStr);          left = right;       }    }    return; } int main(){    char str[100] = "float x = a + 1b; ";    printf("The Program is : '%s'
", str);    printf("All Tokens are :
");    detectTokens(str);    return (0); }


The Program is : 'float x = a + 1b; '
All Tokens are :
Valid keyword : 'float'
Valid Identifier : 'x'
Valid operator : '='
Valid Identifier : 'a'
Valid operator : '+'
Invalid Identifier : '1b'

Updated on: 07-Oct-2023

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