C Program to delete n characters in a given string


Write the user functions to Delete N – Characters from Position in a given string. Here, the string is given by the user at runtime.


The solution to delete n characters in a given string is as follows −


Refer an algorithm to delete n characters in a given string.

Step 1 − Start

Step 2 − Read string at runtime

Step 3 − Read position from where we need to delete the characters

Step 4 − Read n, number of characters to delete from that position

Step 5 − Call the function deletestr(str,p,n) jump to step 7

Step 6 − Stop

Step 7 − Called function deletestr(str,p,n)

1. for i =0 , j = 0 to Length[str]
2. do if i = p-1
3. i = i + n
4. str[j] =str[i]
5. str[j] = NULL
6. print str


Following is the C program to delete n characters in a given string

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
// prototype of function
void del_str(char [],int, int);
   int n,p;
   char str[30];
Enter the String:");    gets(str);    fflush(stdin);    printf("
Enter the position from where the characters are to be deleted:");    scanf("%d",&p);    printf("
Enter Number of characters to be deleted:");    scanf("%d",&n);    del_str(str,p,n); } //function call void del_str(char str[],int p, int n){    int i,j;    for(i=0,j=0;str[i]!='\0';i++,j++){       if(i==(p-1)){          i=i+n;       }       str[j]=str[i];    }    str[j]='\0';    puts(" The string after deletion of characters:");    puts(str); }


When the above program is executed, it produces the following result −

Enter the String:Tutorials Point C programming

Enter the position from where the characters are to be deleted:10

Enter Number of characters to be deleted:6
The string after deletion of characters:
Tutorials C programming

Updated on: 31-Aug-2021

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