C program on calculating the amount with tax using assignment operator


Write a C Program to enter the amount in dollars and then display the amount by adding 18% as tax.


Let’s consider the restaurant person adding 18% tax to every bill of the customer.

The logic applied to calculate tax is −

value=(money + (money * 0.18));

The money should be multiplied by 18% and add to the money, then the restaurant person can receive the amount from a customer with tax.


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int main(){
   float money,value;
   printf("enter the money with dollar symbol:");
   value=(money + (money * 0.18));
   printf("amount after adding tax= %f
",value);    return 0; }


enter the money with dollar symbol:250$
amount after adding tax= 295.000000


Let us consider the same program by changing the percentage −

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int main(){
   float money,value;
   printf("enter the money with dollar symbol:");
   value=(money + (money * 0.20));
   printf("amount after adding tax= %f
",value);    return 0; }


enter the money with dollar symbol:250$
amount after adding tax= 300.000000

Updated on: 05-Mar-2021

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