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Building a Purpose Driven Business with Kuda Biza

person icon Ken Burke


Building a Purpose Driven Business with Kuda Biza

Building a Purpose Driven Business

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Ken Burke

English [CC]

category icon Business,Business Development,Business Strategy

Lectures -4

Resources -1

Duration -37 mins



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Course Description

Take your business to new heights by integrating a purpose-driven business model into your overall business. Find out how to grow farther and faster than you could have ever imagined by adding this key strategy. Kuda Biza, an expert in creating purpose-driven businesses, will show you exactly how to integrate this key strategy into your business.

About Kuda Biza

 Kuda Biza is a serial entrepreneur who started his first company when he was 9 years old in Zimbabwe.  He moved to the U.S. with only $40 in his pocket to study at Lynn University where he started his second company – a socially-conscious apparel brand – before graduating as valedictorian of his class.

 Kuda is the Co-Founder & CMO of Nunbelievable, a mission-based baked goods company that donates a meal for every cookie sold. The company is backed by Tony Robbins, IdealabNY and Loeb.nyc. The company has donated over 1 million meals to people in need in less than 2 years.

 While growing up in Zimbabwe, Kuda experienced the catastrophic consequences of hunger when he lived through a drought that left millions without food and killed several people he knew. So, fighting hunger is his personal mission.

 Prior to joining Nunbelievable, he spent over a decade in various innovation & e-commerce roles at Newell Brands, a Fortune 500 firm and home to iconic brands like, Calphalon, Yankee Candle, Crock-Pot, Graco, Mr. Coffee & Sharpie.

 While at Newell, he was responsible for launching multi-million-dollar strategic new growth initiatives such as Crock-Pot Cuisine, a meal delivery subscription service that reached over $20M in annual sales in less than 3 years. He also ran a ~$100M e-commerce division by driving sales growth across all e-commerce channels: Amazon, retailer.com and direct-to-consumer.

 He is the author of the book: The S.P.E.A.R. Method – 5 Simple Steps to Balanced Success & Fulfillment.

 As a speaker, he delivers keynote addresses inspiring audiences to take action, achieve dreams and impact social change through purposeful entrepreneurship. He is also a TEDx speaker.

Kuda believes in being a force for good and founded the Amani Hope Foundation, a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization with a mission to empower underprivileged children in Africa by providing scholarships.


  • Learn the key benefits of creating a purpose driven company that drive business growth
  • Learn how to attract the right customers to your business 
  • Learn the key ingredients of successfully creating a purpose driven company
Building a Purpose Driven Business with Kuda Biza


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

Building a Purpose Driven Business with
4 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 00:38 00:38
  • play icon Building a Purpose Driven Business with 36:00 36:00
  • play icon Conclusion 00:35 00:35
  • play icon Resources

Instructor Details

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Ken Burke

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