

Bh is a man-made element that has been particularly hard to research, due to its incredibly short half-life. However, it had been found in 1981 through bombarding Bi-209 with Cr-54 at the Laboratory for Heavy Ion Studies in Germany, it wasn't until 2000 that such an expert panel was capable of manufacturing huge adequate amounts of the element to study its chemical characteristics. The heavier isotopes decompose the slowest, with the maximum observed time barely exceeding 60 seconds. Such an element's minimal stability reduces the permeability beyond the fundamental scientific studies.

Bohrium could have been named after Danish scientist Niels Bohr, whose pioneering research on atomic structure might be important to atomic physics. Such a synthesized element seems to be rare in nature but also is believed to be an extremely solid as well as hard metal. In 1976, Gottfried Münzenberg, as well as Peter Armbruster, discovered this metal.

What is Bohrium?

Bohrium seems to be the 5th transition metal in the 6d series as well as the heaviest element of group 7 inside the periodic table. Bh could be classified as a transition metal. Bh manufacturing claims initially arose in the Soviet Union in 1976. A definitive as well as approved synthesis, therefore, had only been achieved in 1981 via a group of researchers first at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. Bh is a radioactive element that would be synthesized chemically. The metal has roughly ten isotopes.

The most stable isotope seems to be Bh270, which has a half-life of around 61 secs. Bh decays as well as generates dubnium-266 via the alpha decay mechanism. In the aqueous phase, bohrium (VII) is anticipated to be unstable but will be readily converted to its more stable bohrium (IV). The volatile oxide Bh2O7 should likewise be formed by bohrium. HbHO4 has been formed when the oxide dissolves in water. The synthesis of oxyfluoride by bohrium could aid in the identification of eka-rhenium attributes.

Because of its highly restricted as well as costly manufacturing, but also the assertion that Bh decays rapidly, relatively few properties of Bh or its compounds would be studied. A few unique chemical properties have so far been observed, but the traits of Bh metal are undefined, with only assumptions given.

Structure of Bohrium

Bohrium Properties

  • It has atomic no. 107 as well as the atomic weight 270.

  • It has a [Rn]5f14 6d5 7s2electrical configuration.

  • It is stable at its oxidation state of +7.

  • It has a metallic surface and thus is silvery white/grey.

  • Its crystal structure is hexagonal and closely packed.

  • Its atomic radius has been estimated to be about 128 pm.

  • It is expected to become a relatively heavy metal, having a density of about 22.5 g/cm3.

  • It is predicted to exhibit a boiling point of roughly 5,000 K and a melting point of about 1,700 K.

  • It contains 10 isotopes, the most stable of which would be Bh270 because it possesses a half-life of roughly 61 secs.

  • The atomic mass of a manmade transition element would be determined mostly by the periodic table's longest-lived isotope.

  • The atomic masses must be set in such a way that a new isotope with a prolonged half-life could be generated in the future.

  • Certain chemical tests have proven that such a metal Bh is a heavier homologue to the Re element in group 7.

Bohrium Uses

Because relatively few atoms of such a metal would be produced till now, there seem to be currently no special and unique uses of Bohrium outside of scientific study. Furthermore, since it is uncommon, Bh is only utilized by scientists, without documented negative effects as well as applications of the element to people as well as institutions.

Bohrium Sources

Bohrium's origins are unknown currently. This is a metal that has been formed chemically as well as in small amounts. The Dubna group produced such metal by blasting the Bi-204 using heavy ions of Cr-54. You may achieve it by utilizing a rapidly rotating cylinder coated with a brittle Bi element coating. The chamber had been transformed into a target. This was bombarded with an oblique flow of Cr-54 ions blazing. The overall process does let researchers see the final solid metal for around 0.0002 secs.


Bohrium is indeed an artificial metal with atomic no. 107 as well as the symbol Bh. Research headed by Peter Armbruster as well as Gottfried Münzenberg just at Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany, found this in 1976. Bh is a solid metal that belongs to the seventh period and thus the third grp of such periodic tables. This is a noble gas-like element including a highly stable electronic configuration. It would be a silver-white metal that has been exceedingly fragile as well as oxidizes gradually in air. It is indeed a highly dense metal, comparable to element Pb in density. It does not exist freely in Nature, but this is predicted to be discovered in the universe as an outcome of the supernova.


1. What causes Bohrium to react?

Because just a small amount of bohrium has ever been synthesized, its reactivity with air seems to be undetermined. Their action should be comparable to that of the elements Re and Tc.

2. Is Bohrium harmful to humans?

Bohrium has no biological significance. It is particularly poisonous since this has been a heavy metal that decomposes to release alpha particles.

3. Is the element Bohrium flammable?

Bohrium's flammability still hasn't been verified, since only a few atoms of Bh have ever been synthesized.

4. How prevalent is Bohrium?

This has not been discovered natively, but only a few atoms would be synthesized in the laboratory. Their composition, as well as appearance, seem to be unknown with clarity, however, the reactivity is comparable to that of Re. Bh is far too uncommon to possess any residential as well as industrial use.

5. What is the significance of the name Bohrium?

Bohrium is indeed a man-made metal named after Niels Bohr, a Danish physicist. The element has been originally termed Niels bohrium however, had the symbol Ns, and yet the International Union of Pure Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) simplified it because no other element seemed to have a complete name.

6. What does the texture of Bohrium look like?

Bohrium seems to be a radioactive isotope that has been manufactured experimentally. It's most likely silvery and metallic grey. Bh-262, perhaps the most stable form, does have a half-life of 17 secs.

7. How many different energy levels could Bohrium have?

Bh atoms contain 107 electrons as well as a shell structure of 2.8. 18.32. 32.13.

Updated on: 15-Mar-2024


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