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Blockchain Anatomy: the past, the present, the future

person icon Ivy Fung


Blockchain Anatomy: the past, the present, the future

Harness the power of the blockchain and use it to your benefits.

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Ivy Fung

English [CC]

category icon Crypptocurrency & Blockchain,BlockChain

Lectures -23

Duration -2 hours



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Course Description

If one night you went to sleep and woke up in the deep of the jungle the next day, you will feel lost not knowing where you are and how to get out of it. If you were a bird and managed to fly above the canopy of trees and see where is the direction to home, you most likely will be able to get out of the maze.

This course will bring you to see the whole picture in a bird-eye view. A more holistic view of the blockchain mechanism will help you make a better decision investing in blockchains, cryptocurrencies, or NFTs.

This course will be grouped into 3 main sections:

The past

  • Look into the motivation of the conceptualisation of the blockchain. Understanding the reasons it was built and the methods applied will help you in applying and innovating the technology.

The present

  • Explain important blockchain concepts in layman terms and relate them to things that happen in our daily life.

  • Understand the problems the blockchain solved. Explore how cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) solve problems.

  • Explore some of the use cases.

  • Busting blockchain myths.

The future

  • Understand the challenges the blockchains are facing.

  • Explore the potential use cases.


Interested in further exploring the potential of blockchain? I have prepared some suggested readings or research areas for you to consider.


You will be introduced to important concepts in the blockchain. At the end of some lectures, there will be suggestions for further readings and explorations.

You are welcome to participate in the discussion and ask questions to clarify any point.

At the end of this course

  • You will have a comprehensive understanding of blockchain, cryptocurrency, and NFTs to help you to decide your next step.

  • You will be able to do a simple evaluation of the blockchain applications that are suitable for your personal or business uses.

  • You will understand some myths or misunderstandings toward blockchains.

Who this course is for:
  • People who want to invest in cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens.
  • Software developers who are interested to build blockchain applications or a blockchain.
  • Business owners who want to improve their business operation effectiveness and efficiency.
  • People who are curious about new technologies.


  • The mechanism of the blockchain and the reasons it is a not-to-be-missed technology.
  • The impacts blockchain may have on our lives.
  • The problems blockchain is solving.
  • Busting blockchain myths.
  • Two types of assets on blockchain: fungible and non-fungible tokens.
  • Different blockchain use cases in multiple industries and functions.
  • The challenges blockchain faces.


  • An open mind. The way blockchain works might be totally different from the way you have been handling other similar tasks.
  • No programming experiences or technical background needed.
Blockchain Anatomy: the past, the present, the future


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

The past
3 Lectures
  • play icon Introduction 02:14 02:14
  • play icon Revolution of money system 08:36 08:36
  • play icon Revolution of the internet 06:32 06:32
The present
17 Lectures
The future
3 Lectures

Instructor Details

Ivy Fung

Ivy Fung

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