Blob conversion function in Cassandra


If you are working with Cassandra, you may have come across the need to convert blobs to other data types or vice versa. Cassandra, being a distributed NoSQL database, stores data in the form of blobs (binary large objects) to increase flexibility and scalability. However, this can cause issues when you need to query or manipulate the data stored as blobs.

That's where the blob conversion function comes in handy. In Cassandra, you can use the "blobAs*" function to convert blobs to various data types, such as integers, floats, timestamps, and more. This function allows you to easily access and manipulate the data stored as blobs, making it an essential tool for working with Cassandra.

What are blobs and why are they used in Cassandra?

A blob (binary large object) is a large binary object that can store a wide range of data, such as images, audio, video, and more. In Cassandra, blobs are used to store data in a flexible and scalable way.

One of the main advantages of using blobs in Cassandra is that they allow you to store data of any type and size. This is especially useful if you have a large amount of data that doesn't fit into a specific data type or if you need to store data with varying types and structures.

Additionally, blobs are stored in a distributed manner, meaning that they are spread across multiple nodes in a Cassandra cluster. This helps to increase the scalability and availability of the data stored as blobs.

Syntax and usage of the blob conversion function in Cassandra

The blob conversion function in Cassandra is called "blobAs*", where the asterisk (*) represents the data type that you want to convert the blob to. Here is the general syntax of the function −


The "blob" parameter is the blob that you want to convert. The function will return the converted value as the specified data type.

Here are some examples of the different data types that you can convert to using the blob conversion function −

  • blobAsBigint: Converts the blob to a bigint (64-bit signed long)

  • blobAsBoolean: Converts the blob to a boolean (true or false)

  • blobAsDecimal: Converts the blob to a decimal

  • blobAsDouble: Converts the blob to a double (64-bit floating point)

  • blobAsFloat: Converts the blob to a float (32-bit floating point)

  • blobAsInt: Converts the blob to an int (32-bit signed int)

  • blobAsText: Converts the blob to a text string

  • blobAsTimestamp: Converts the blob to a timestamp

  • Examples of converting blobs to different data types

Now that we have covered the basics of the blob conversion function, let's look at some examples of converting blobs to different data types.

Example 1: Converting a blob to a bigint

Suppose you have a table called "sales" that stores sales data as blobs. The table has a column called "sales_id" that stores the unique sales ID as a bigint. To retrieve the sales ID from the blob, you can use the "blobAsBigint" function as follows −

SELECT blobAsBigint(sales_id_blob) FROM sales;

This will return the sales ID as a bigint value.

Example 2: Converting a blob to a boolean

Suppose you have a table called "products" that stores product data as blobs. The table has a column called "is_active" that stores a boolean value indicating whether the product is active or not. To retrieve the "is_active" value from the blob, you can use the "blobAsBoolean" function as follows:

SELECT blobAsBoolean(is_active_blob) FROM products;

This will return the "is_active" value as a boolean (true or false).

Example 3: Converting a blob to a decimal

Suppose you have a table called "expenses" that stores expense data as blobs. The table has a column called "amount" that stores the expense amount as a decimal. To retrieve the amount from the blob, you can use the "blobAsDecimal" function as follows −

SELECT blobAsDecimal(amount_blob) FROM expenses;

This will return the amount as a decimal value.

Example 4: Converting a blob to a double

Suppose you have a table called "employees" that stores employee data as blobs. The table has a column called "salary" that stores the employee's salary as a double. To retrieve the salary from the blob, you can use the "blobAsDouble" function as follows −

SELECT blobAsDouble(salary_blob) FROM employees;

This will return the salary as a double value.

Tips and best practices for working with the blob conversion function in Cassandra

Here are some tips and best practices for working with the blob conversion function in Cassandra −

  • Make sure to specify the correct data type when using the "blobAs*" function. If you specify the wrong data type, you may get an error or incorrect results.

  • Consider storing your data in a specific data type rather than as a blob if possible. This can improve the performance and efficiency of your queries.

  • Use the "blobAsText" function with caution. If the blob contains binary data, converting it to text may result in unreadable or corrupt characters.

  • Use the "blobAsTimestamp" function to convert timestamps stored as blobs to the appropriate data type. This can make it easier to perform date-based queries and manipulations.


In this article, we covered the blob conversion function in Cassandra and how it can be used to convert blobs to different data types. We also looked at some examples of converting blobs and discussed some tips and best practices for working with the function. By understanding the blob conversion function and how to use it effectively, you can better manipulate and query the data stored as blobs in Cassandra.

Updated on: 10-Jan-2023

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