Blizzards: Meaning, Causes and Effects

In temperate region, the winter used to be very cold and amidst cold winter because of the movement of moisture laden cold wind swiftly down the temperature much below the freezing point. All it happens because of blizzard. Blizzard brings very cold wind along with snow falls, which potentially affect humans’ life.

What is Blizzard?

Blizzard is intolerable snow storm featured with strong winds and snow. It not only downs the temperature, but also decreases the visibility. To be called as blizzard, there must be consistent and sustained winds of at least 56 km/h along with blowing snow. Such formidable storms typically occur in temperate and polar regions during the winter months, creating havoc on everything coming in their path.

Element of Blizzard

Following are the major elements of a blizzard:

  • Strong Cold Wind − High cold wind is the primary element of blizzard, that whip the falling snow into a frenzy condition.

  • Snowfall − Snowfall is another essential element of blizzard. These snowflakes are driven by strong cold winds. It creates a blinding wall of snow, which accumulates rapidly and freezes the respective region.

  • Frigid Temperature − Since blizzard comes with freezing cold wind, often down the temperature much below the freezing point that could be potential threat for human as well as animal lives.

Causes of Blizzards

Blizzards, which usually can be seen in temperate zone and towards the poles, are the product of composite interactions between contrasting air masses. The conflict of a warm, moisture-laden air mass with a cold, dry air mass, create ideal condition for the formation of blizzard. In this process, when these two varying air masses collide with each other, the warm air mass is forced to go up, causing the rapid cooling and condensation of moisture into heavy snowfall.

Impact of Blizzards

Because of its high wind along with snow, blizzard have severe and unexpected impacts on various aspects of human and animal lives and immediate environment.

However, some of the notable impacts can be understood through the following sub-headings:

  • Disruption in Movements and Transportation − Blizzard’s immediate impact can be seen on human movement and transportation system on large scale. It forces to block the road, rail, and airways.

  • Power Outages − As blizzard laden with strong and cold wind, it affects power supply. Sometimes, it disrupts electricity supply, compelling people to live in dark.

  • Agriculture and Framing Disruption − Blizzards sustained long can substantially damage crops and may also threaten livestock.

  • Human Health Risk − Blizzard induced sudden extreme cold may cause frostbite and hypothermia, which are critical health issues for human beings.

  • Environmental Changes − Because of heavy snowfall during blizzard, many trees fall down, soil moisture affected, small vegetation damaged, etc., resulting change into environment.

Safety Measures

Following are the major safety measures that one should take during the blizzard:

  • During the storm or blizzard, it is suggestible to stay home and avoid unnecessary travel until conditions improve.

  • Ensure your home is well-insulated and heating system is working properly.

  • Insure you have an emergency kit containing food, water, blankets, battery powered radio, flashlights, first-aid box, etc.


Especially in winter season, blizzards are unavoidable and formidable snow storms in temperate region. Though such chilling winds and snowfall may be exciting and attractive for someone but it is potentially dangerous. Their snow laden chilling winds are potential enough to cause harm to humans as well as animals and their properties. Therefore, it is suggestible to take precautionary safety steps and strictly stay home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a blizzard, and how is it different from a regular snowstorm?

A blizzard is an intense winter storm characterized by strong winds, heavy snowfall, and reduced visibility of less than 0.25 miles (400 meters) for an extended period. While both blizzards and regular snowstorms involve snowfall, blizzards have the added elements of high winds and reduced visibility, making them more severe and dangerous.

Where do blizzards typically occur, and what are the prime months for blizzard formation?

Blizzards predominantly occur in polar and temperate regions during the colder months, which are typically from late fall to early spring. Regions like the Northern United States, Canada, Northern Europe, and Russia are more susceptible to blizzard formation due to their colder climates.

How are blizzards formed, and what meteorological conditions contribute to their intensity?

Blizzards are formed when a warm, moisture-laden air mass collides with a cold, dry air mass. The warm air is forced upward, leading to the rapid cooling and condensation of moisture into heavy snowfall. The strong winds during blizzards are a result of the temperature and pressure differences between these air masses.

What are the dangers of traveling during a blizzard, and how can one stay safe during such severe weather conditions?

Traveling during a blizzard is highly dangerous due to low visibility, icy roads, and the risk of getting stranded. To stay safe during a blizzard, it is best to avoid unnecessary travel, stay indoors, and have an emergency kit with essentials such as food, water, and blankets.

How do blizzards impact wildlife and the environment?

Blizzards can have significant impacts on wildlife and the environment. Wildlife may struggle to find food and shelter during extreme winter conditions, and blizzards can disrupt their natural habitats. Additionally, the accumulation of snow during blizzards can impact soil moisture and contribute to changes in water resources.

Are blizzards influenced by climate change, and are they becoming more frequent?

Climate change can influence the frequency and intensity of blizzards, as it can alter weather patterns and temperature dynamics. While it is challenging to attribute individual blizzards to climate change, studies suggest that climate change may lead to more extreme weather events, including blizzards, in certain regions.

How can communities prepare for blizzards and minimize their impact on infrastructure and daily life?

Communities can prepare for blizzards by developing emergency response plans, ensuring adequate snow removal equipment, and providing public awareness about safety measures during severe winter weather. Investing in resilient infrastructure and implementing effective communication systems can also help minimize the impact of blizzards on daily life.

Can blizzards cause power outages, and how can one prepare for potential power disruptions?

Yes, blizzards can cause power outages due to strong winds and snow accumulation on power lines. To prepare for potential power disruptions, it is advisable to have alternative heating sources, battery-powered flashlights, and a supply of non-perishable food in an emergency kit.

What is the average duration of a typical blizzard, and how long can the aftermath of a blizzard persist?

The duration of a blizzard can vary, but they typically last for several hours to a day. However, the aftermath of a blizzard, including snow accumulation and icy conditions, can persist for several days or even weeks, depending on the severity of the storm and local weather conditions.

How can individuals contribute to blizzard preparedness and support their communities during these challenging weather events?

Individuals can contribute to blizzard preparedness by staying informed about weather forecasts, following official advisories, and helping elderly or vulnerable neighbors. Clearing snow from sidewalks and driveways can also aid in community safety and accessibility during and after a blizzard.

Updated on: 16-Nov-2023


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