Bitmap Indexing in DBMS

Bitmap indexing in DBMS is a type of indexing technique that is used to improve the performance of database systems. It works by creating a bitmap for each distinct value in a database column, with each bit in the bitmap representing a row in the database table. The bitmap index can then be used to quickly identify which rows in the table match a given search criteria, making it an efficient way to filter and retrieve data from large tables.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of bitmap indexing and how it works, the advantages and disadvantages of using bitmap indexes, and provide some examples of how to create and use bitmap indexes in a database management system (DBMS).

What is Bitmap Indexing?

A database index is a data structure that is used to quickly locate and retrieve data from a database table. Indexes work by creating a separate structure that stores the values from a specific column of a table, along with a pointer to the corresponding row in the table. When a query is run against the table, the index can be used to quickly locate the rows that match the search criteria, rather than having to scan the entire table.

Bitmap indexing is a type of indexing that is particularly well-suited for data with a small number of distinct values, such as gender or product type. A value of 1 in a bit indicates that the corresponding row in the table has the indexed value, while a value of 0 indicates that it does not.

For example, consider a database table with a column called "Gender", which can have the values "Male" or "Female". To create a bitmap index on this column, we would create a bitmap for each of the two values. The bitmap for "Male" would have a 1 in the bit position for each row in the table where the gender is male, and a 0 in all other positions. The bitmap for "Female" would be the opposite, with 1s in the positions for rows where the gender is female and 0s in all other positions.

How Bitmap Indexing Works?

When a query is run against a table with a bitmap index, the DBMS will use the bitmap to quickly identify which rows in the table match the search criteria. For example, consider the following query −

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE gender = 'Male';

To execute this query, the DBMS would use the bitmap index on the "gender" column to identify all of the rows in the table where the gender is male. It would do this by performing a bitwise AND operation on the "Male" bitmap and the bitmap for each row in the table. If the result of the AND operation is 1, it indicates that the row has the value "Male" for the "gender" column and should be included in the results.

The advantage of using a bitmap index is that it allows the DBMS to quickly identify the rows that match the search criteria without having to scan the entire table. This can be a significant performance improvement for large tables, especially if the indexed column has a small number of distinct values and the search criteria match a large percentage of the rows.

Advantages of Bitmap Indexing

There are several advantages to using bitmap indexing in a database −

Efficiency − As mentioned above, bitmap indexes are particularly efficient at filtering and retrieving data from large tables with a small number of distinct values. This is because they allow the DBMS to quickly identify the rows that match the search criteria using bitwise operations, rather than having to scan the entire table.

Space efficiency − Bitmap indexes tend to be more space efficient than other types of indexes, such as B-tree indexes, especially when the indexed column has a large number of distinct values. This is because each bit in the bitmap represents a row in the table, rather than storing the full value of each row in the index.

Good for data warehousing − Bitmap indexes are often used in data warehousing applications, where queries tend to be more complex and involve filtering and aggregating large amounts of data.

Disadvantages of Bitmap Indexing

There are also some potential disadvantages to using bitmap indexes −

Not suitable for high-concurrency environments − Bitmap indexes are not well-suited for environments with high concurrency, as they do not support efficient insert, update, or delete operations. Every time a row is inserted, updated, or deleted in the table, the corresponding bitmap must be updated as well, which can be time-consuming and may result in contention.

Not good for small tables − Bitmap indexes may not provide much benefit for small tables, as the overhead of maintaining the index may outweigh the performance improvement.

Not suitable for columns with a large number of distinct values − Bitmap indexes are not efficient for columns with a large number of distinct values, as the size of the index can quickly become unwieldy. In these cases, it may be more efficient to use a different type of index, such as a B-tree index.

Creating and Using Bitmap Indexes in a DBMS

Now that we have a general understanding of how bitmap indexing works, let's look at an example of how to create and use a bitmap index in a database management system. For the purposes of this example, we will use Oracle, but the general principles apply to other DBMS as well.

To create a bitmap index in Oracle, we can use the CREATE BITMAP INDEX statement, as follows −

CREATE BITMAP INDEX idx_gender ON customers (gender);

This creates a bitmap index on the "gender" column of the "customers" table. Once the index is created, we can use it to improve the performance of queries that filter on the "gender" column. For example -

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE gender = 'Male';

This query will use the bitmap index on the "gender" column to quickly identify the rows in the table where the gender is male.

It's worth noting that Oracle will automatically determine whether a bitmap index is the most efficient type of index to use for a given query. If it determines that a different type of index, such as a B-tree index, would be more efficient, it will use that index instead.


In this article, we have looked at the concept of bitmap indexing and how it works, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using bitmap indexes in a database. We have also seen an example of how to create and use a bitmap index in Oracle. Bitmap indexing can be a useful tool for improving the performance of queries on large tables with a small number of distinct values, especially in data warehousing applications. However, it is important to carefully consider the trade-offs and choose the most appropriate indexing strategy for a given application.

Updated on: 10-Jan-2023

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