Biometrics and Biometric Data: Types and Security Tips

Biometrics is at the forefront of technology. Simply put, biometrics are any measures relating to human characteristics. One of the most wellknown examples of a biometric recognition system is the iPhone's fingerprint and face recognition technology.

Biometric technologies, being a newer technology, have the potential to replace passwords and aid law enforcement in finding criminals. Biometric identifiers are also used to regulate access in both physical and digital environments. However, the first thing you should address is if your biometric data is safe from identity theft.

How is Biometric Data Different from Other Forms of Data?

Biometric identification is a technique that uses a person's unique bodily characteristics to help identify them. Those characteristics will be referred to as "biometric data" in this text.

Fingerprints, face traits, and voice characteristics are among the 20 distinct identifiers. Biometrics data is verifying a person's identification by measuring their bodily traits. Physiological attributes like fingerprints and eyes, as well as behavioral characteristics such as the unique manner you'd solve a security-authentication challenge, are examples of these. Biometric data must be unique, persistent, and collectible in order to be helpful. The data is then compared and matched in a database after it has been collected.

When you use facial recognition to unlock a smartphone screen, ask Siri for a weather update, or use fingerprint to log in to your online bank account, biometrics are employed. You may use biometrics daily to verify your identity or connect with a personal gadget, but the technology has many more applications.

  • Police can collect DNA and fingerprints at crime scenes or use video surveillance to analyze a suspect's gait or voice.

  • In medicine, wellness checks may include retinal scans or genetic investigations.

  • You'll almost definitely offer a signature while using a credit card at a cash register, which the issuer can analyze if it suspects forgery.

What Are the Different Types of Biometrics?

There are six different types of biometric data −

Facial Recognition

Analyses facial features to measure and identify unique patterns on a person's face. This technique is commonly utilized in police enforcement, but it is also found in cellphones and computers.

Fingerprint Scanning

This approach captures the ridges and valleys of a person's finger in a unique pattern. It has grown quite ubiquitous on cellphones and laptops, and it has effectively replaced passwords. It has grown quite ubiquitous on cellphones and laptops, and it has effectively replaced passwords.

Iris Scanning

It is a technique for identifying unique patterns in the iris which surround the eye's pupil. Although the approach is widely used in security applications, it has yet to fully penetrate the consumer market.

Voice Recognition

Different voices are distinguished by measuring distinct sound waves in each individual's voice. Voice recognition is used by certain banks for security reasons, but you're more likely to encounter it while conversing with intelligent assistants like Siri or Alexa.

Behavior Analysis

Behavior Analysis examines how a human interacts with a digital system. For example, they utilize a mouse, typing patterns, or how frequently users return to the same pages when surfing.

Hand Geometry

The length, breadth, thickness, and surface area of the user's palm are measured using this approach. This technique is rather ancient, dating back to the 1980s. The majority of hand geometry-powered gadgets were utilized for security.

Is It Safe to Use Biometrics?

There are some privacy concerns when it comes to biometrics. Some of the major biometric challenges that have been highlighted are as follows −

  • Any data gathering might be compromised at some point. Hackers may find high-profile data to be appealing. High-profile data is often better protected. However, if biometrics become more widely used, your biometric data will be accessible in more locations that may not provide the same degree of security.

  • People may become accustomed to biometrics to the point that they become complacent. Because they assume biometrics would address all of their security challenges, they may not adopt the same common-sense security practices that they do now.

  • The data in a biometric database might be more vulnerable than any other sort of data.

    • Passwords can be changed at any time.
    • You can't modify your fingerprint or iris scan.
  • This means that if your biometric data is stolen, you may lose control over it.

  • Some components of your physical identity can be duplicated. For example, a thief may take a high-resolution snapshot of your ear from afar or imitate your fingerprints on a café glass. This data might be used to obtain access to your accounts or devices.

  • Biometrics legislation is always evolving, so your rights may change from one jurisdiction to the next. However, federal legislators may ultimately enact a comprehensive biometrics law.

How to Keep Biometric Data Secure?

To secure your biometric data, you may use the following security steps:

Use Strong Passwords

Strong Passwords make it more difficult to get data only by guessing them. If you keep your biometric information in a few, limited places, hackers will have less opportunity to breach your data.

Keep the Software Updated

Keeping your software updated is one of the greatest methods to help safeguard your devices. Install any available software updates or patches as soon as your device maker tells you of their availability to help decrease the risk of your device becoming subject to security issues. It's vital that you keep your operating system and anti-virus software up to date.

Less Supply of Biometric information

If you're concerned about the security of your biometric information, you can decline to supply it on occasion. Consider a smartphone that doesn't require fingerprint authentication, or stay away from facial recognition software entirely. Face recognition on Facebook may also be turned off in the settings.

Biometric data has the potential to make the world a safer and more convenient place. However, only by following common-sense security principles can aid in the protection of your privacy.

Updated on: 14-Apr-2022


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