Biodiversity in Plants and Animals

What is Biodiversity?

Earlier, the term biodiversity was used to communicate ideas like 'species extravagance’ or the 'species variety'. Scholars likewise alluded to biodiversity as the 'qualities, species, and their connection with the biological system of a specific district, in its entirety'.

Many endeavored to characterize the idea of biodiversity of plants and creatures, yet it was in the book of 'Biodiversity: An Introduction (2004)' that the term is ideal and generally handily characterized. The meaning of Biodiversity in a book by Gaston and Spicer states that the variety of life at all degrees of natural associations is called Biodiversity.

Plant Biodiversity

Plant biodiversity is significant in light of the fact that it adjusts biological systems, safeguards watersheds, mitigates disintegration, moderates the environment, and gives asylum to creatures.Dangers to establish biodiversity incorporate the rising human populace, contamination, deforestation, and species termination.

Plant termination is advancing at a disturbing rate; this, thusly, influences different species, which likewise become wiped out on the grounds that they rely upon the sensitive environmental balance. Efforts to save plant biodiversity right now incorporate legacy seed assortments and barcoding DNA examination.

  • Plants assume a vital part in biological systems. They are a wellspring of food and restorative mixtures while likewise giving unrefined components to numerous enterprises. Fast deforestation and industrialization, notwithstanding, undermine plant biodiversity. Thus, this compromises the environment.

  • Biodiversity of plants guarantees an asset for new food harvests and meds. The blast of the human populace, particularly in tropical nations where rates of birth are most elevated and financial advancement is going full bore, is prompting human infringement into forested regions. To take care of the bigger populace, people need to get arable land which prompts huge getting free from trees.

  • The requirement for more energy to control bigger urban communities and monetary development brings about the development of dams, the resulting flooding of environments, and expanded outflows of contaminations. Different dangers to tropical timberlands come from poachers who log trees for their valuable wood. Midnight and Brazilian rosewood, both on the jeopardized list, are instances of tree species driven nearly to eradication by aimless logging.

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Animal Biodiversity

In nature, there exists biodiversity of plants and creatures of around 8.7 million species, among which the creature biodiversity is likewise vast. Animals assume a crucial part in the commitment to food creation as animals and help in the provincial turn of events. Because of an absence of mindfulness and a solid will for biodiversity preservation, numerous creature species have become wiped out from this Earth. It is about time individuals become mindful and advance basic entitlements so others can likewise grasp the requirement for the conservation of creature biodiversity.

Finding and depicting the number of species that possess the Earth stays a key mission of science, even at the point when we are entering the Phylogenomic Age throughout the entire existence of scientific categorization. With such countless significant issues confronting us — obtrusive species, environmental change, territory obliteration and loss of biodiversity specifically, the requirement for legitimate ordered data is higher than any time in recent memory.

For the realm Animalia, 1,552,319 species have been portrayed in 40 phyla in another developmental characterization.

  • The phylum Arthropoda alone addresses 1,242,040 species, or around 80% of the aggregate.

  • The best gathering, the Insects (1,020,007 species), represents around 66% of all creatures.

  • The best bug request, Coleoptera (387,100 species), addresses around 38% of all species in 39 bug orders.

  • One more significant gathering in Arthropoda is the class Arachnida (112,201 species), which is overwhelmed by the bugs and ticks (Acari 54,617 species) and insects (43,579 species).

The phylum Craniata, including the vertebrates, addresses 64,832 species (for Recent taxa, with the exception of creatures of land and water) −

  • 7,694 depicted types of creatures of land and water,

  • 31,958 types of fish and

  • 5,750 types of warm-blooded animals.

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Biodiversity Hotspots

A locale that comprises thousands of species and a critical degree of biodiversity, yet that is compromised by human residence is known as a biodiversity hotspot.

Hotspots are known to be the most extravagant yet an imperilled biogeographic ecoregion.

In any case, as per Meyer, a locale to qualify as a focal point for plants and creature biodiversity, it needs to meet two severe conditions.

They are as follows −

  • The region should contain 1500 species or 0.5% of vascular plant species as endemic.

  • The region must have lost no less than 75% of essential plantation.

Only the regions that keep every one of the rules as referenced above will be considered as biodiversity areas of interest. The biodiversity areas of interest just cover 2% of the all-out region of Earth's surface, and simply 36 areas of interest are known to exist. These areas of interest are recognized to have assorted plant and creature types of the biological system. To be exact, an area of interest can uphold up to 15000 endemic species even in the wake of losing 95% of the area of natural surroundings.


Nature has liberally arranged different scenes all through our country. A ton of them has been assigned as Biodiversity Hotspots - regions with a plenty of and various fauna and greenery, and are in danger of becoming undermined. Individuals should become mindful for the conservation of creature biodiversity.


Q1.Which kingdom is the largest phylum animal kingdom?

Ans. Arthropoda phylum is the largest animal kingdom which includes 84% of animal species.

Q2. How many species of plants and animals are present on planet earth?

Ans. Around 8.7 million species of plants and animals exist on planet earth.

Q3.Which are the most important biodiversity hotspots in India?

Ans. Authoritatively, four from the absolute 36 Biodiversity Hotspots all over the planet are in India. These four areas of interest are as follows: The Himalayas, The Western Ghats, The Indo-Burma region, The Sundaland.

Updated on: 13-Oct-2022


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