Bing Webmaster Tools and Everything You Can Do

Web admins and marketers should not ignore Bing because Google controls more than 90 per cent of the global search engine market. While Bing only has a 2.7% global market share, it controls 36.96% of the search engine market in the United States.

Even more intriguing is that Bing is involved in searches that customers aren't even aware are interacting with Bing, such as search functionality in almost every Microsoft product, such as the 1.3 billion devices in use worldwide that run Windows 10. While 37% of all Internet users (equivalent to around 66 million people) use Bing alone for search, an additional 62 million people utilize BOTH Bing and Google.

Cortana and Alexa, two of the most well-known voice assistants, use Bing to search. Most Bing users are above 45 and earn over $100,000 a year. Said otherwise, you need to consider the larger picture if you want to see a rise in website traffic, particularly inside the United States.

What Are Bing's Webmaster Tools?

Webmaster Tools are also available for use on Bing, enabling you to monitor your site's statistics and submit a sitemap for indexing.

With the Bing Webmaster Tools Dashboard, you can quickly see how frequently your site has been shown in search results and how often it has been clicked. It also includes information on how many of your website's pages have been indexed and how thoroughly your sitemap was scanned.

Compared to analytics accounts, this data is more concerned with your site's overall health and success in search engines. An analytics platform aims to track your site's overall traffic and give information about your user base.

You may also use Bing Webmaster Tools to see which search terms bring in the most visitors and which websites connect to yours, and begin using some of the diagnostics and tools accessible to you to optimise your site further.

Webpage Configuration for Bing Webmaster Tools

To begin, you must sign up for an account. Get started with Bing Webmaster Tools by signing up for an account. After that, we can begin submitting and vetting our links.

If your website is already confirmed in Google Search Console, you must import the settings.

If you want to set things up manually, you have three options −

  • A Document Written in XML

  • Tags for Metadata in HTML

  • or create a CNAME entry in DNS.

Using XML Documents

The Bing Webmaster file must be downloaded and placed in the public html folder of your site.

The next step is to choose the verify option.

Meta Tag Path in HTML

You should include the supplied meta tag into your home page's head> before the body>.

To finish, choose the verify button. A WordPress site with an SEO plugin like Yoast makes connection verification a breeze.

To use a plugin, one must first locate the meta tag that identifies it, then copy the id that appears after Content=" YOURIDCODE "and put it where it is asked for in the tool.

If you prefer Shopify, you may go to this page for assistance.

Add a CNAME Record to Your Route

As no examination of your website's particulars is required, this approach is the quickest and least time-consuming of the available options.

The simplicity of this process is very provider-specific; nonetheless, you should be able to count on direct assistance from your domain or hosting provider. You may get your domain's DNS settings from the provider you originally purchased the domain. After you've located the domain's DNS settings, you can add the CNAME record using the Bing-provided name.

Verify everything, please. Also, remember that adjusting your DNS settings may take some time. After that, we'll look at the most important aspects of Bing Webmaster tools that justify their usage.

Add a Site to Google Search Using the Google Search Console

If you have a Google Search Console account, you may use it to import your website into Bing Webmaster Tools without having to authenticate it manually.

Google Search Console imports may only be used to add a site to your Bing account and import any sitemaps related to that site. Data collected in your Search Console Analytics will remain private from Bing when using the import method.

If you want to add your site to Google Search Console −

  • To import sites from Google Search Console, go to that option and then click Import.

  • Next, press the Proceed button.

  • Then, choose the Google ID you used to register for Search Console.

  • Authorize to access your Google Account.

  • Choose the Website You Want to Import and Hit Import

  • Choose the button labelled "Done" to complete the procedure.

After that, the Bing Webmaster Tools Control Panel will be available to you.

What Features Do Bing Webmaster Tools Have?

The most recent release of Bing Webmaster Tools is a web-based, mobile-friendly solution that can be accessed via Bing. After you have shown ownership of your site with Bing, you may use their web admin tools to do the following −

  • Send in your links to get indexed.

  • Bing Webmaster Tool's principal function is to index websites. This process is now automated, and web admins may submit URLs for indexing using their Bing Webmaster Tools API, which is compatible with most CMS platforms (CMS). Every day, web admins may submit up to 10,000 Links for indexing.

  • URLs may be temporarily banned, preventing them from being indexed by Bing for 90 days. You may use this feature if you want certain material hidden from view but not removed entirely.

  • Crawl problems may be reviewed and fixed, and Bing Bot crawling settings can be customised.

  • Using Bing's Crawl Control, you may limit crawling during peak hours to ease the load on your hosting server, for example.

  • A Verify Bingbot option in Bing enables you to enter suspicious IP addresses from your server log and see whether they belong to Bing or not (and let you subsequently block the fake bot).

  • The Backlinks report is a curated compilation of the links that point to your site (sorted by Domain, Page, and Anchor text).

  • Using Bing's Backlinks report, you may browse Similar Sites, block (disavow) certain backlinks, and filter data by domain, page, and anchor text.

  • Try out Bing's keyword tool for yourself.

  • Bing's keyword research tools aim to do the same thing as Google's: assist web admins, and content providers in identifying relevant phrases to optimise their work.

  • See whether your website's domain and pages adhere to established technical requirements.

  • They include the Robots.txt file and the W3C standards for web design, web architecture, and more.

  • Examine the Sitemap processing and presentation in Bing.

  • You only have to submit a sitemap once, but you may keep it up-to-date daily by reviewing it.

This translates to quantifiable measures you can follow to get a sense of how your site is doing on Bing, such as total clicks, total impressions, click-through rate (CTR), and average position per ranking term over ranking the previous six months. Furthermore, you may save selected information as a CSV file. Tables of the first thousand searches may be downloaded as a CSV file.


All the capabilities necessary to make your site search engine friendly for Bing may be found inside the Bing web admin tools. Although user-friendly, the tools lack the intelligence of Google Search Console. With Bing Webmaster Tools, you can get a birds-eye perspective of your site as seen by Bing and stay abreast of any changes that need to be made to your SEO approach to better accommodate Bing's preferences.

Updated on: 07-Apr-2023


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