Best ways to discover people to talk on twitter

Twitter is basically a conversations platform and just a blank page until you don’t find any follower. After getting people to talk and share your stuffs, it becomes too much useful and its importance comes up. Using this, you can share feelings, ask queries, get updates on news, music, brands, and businesses. Also, you can find useful links and data.

Merit and demerit both are attached with all products and services in this world. Twitter is also attached with many merits and demerits (Finding good follower is really a challenging job, especially new followers who just logged-in and starts with a blank page).

To resolve this issue, this post is providing you number of ways to find people on Twitter.

Twitter’s search engine to find people

Twitter’s search engine is an initial stage to start searching for people. It searches the “real names” of people, the name what they give in their bio fields, but because Twitter doesn’t have any sort of requirement to use your actual name, that can make it a bit difficult to find people, especially those with common names. Also, it is difficult to judge that the person you have founded is right one or not. Then too, it’s a good place to start your search for followers.


Although, Twitter’s search is based on biographical data, it collects minimal information, and cannot be improved so much. To come out of this situation, third-party site Tweepz has done the good job. Tweepz facilitates users to search for specific part of biographical information (like name, bio, and location) of Twitter user account, screen results by follower/following numbers, location, and other extracted terms, and significantly progresses on the layout of the search results.


TweepSearch facilitates user to search by Twitter name or location, or search a specific username to get a list of all friends and followers.

Talk to the followers of someone else

If you get a good follower for talking and that follower is linked with over 200,000 others followers, follow his followers. Among all followers, there should be definitely some followers who are business minded will follow back you, start a conversation with those followers.

Talk with compatible followers

Every Twitter user carries list of people (followers) with whom they talk frequently. It does not matter how big or small that list is, there should be compatible followers on that list. By making robust network with these followers, you will study how to grow robust networks with others as well.


Twellow is a complete directory to search for compatible Twitter users. A best directory, where user gets a category search facility (approximate, 6 million Twitter user profiles are indexed in this category) to search for their suitable followers. You can search for various profiles inside a single category. Also, it runs a local directory called the “Twellowhood.”


WeFollow is a directory for Twitter user that classifies people by hashtags, created by Digg founder Kevin Rose. WeFollow is user-created directory, where anyone can add themselves by tweeting @wefollow with three #hashtags that define them.

Just Tweet It

“Just Tweet It” is also a Twitter user directory like; Twellow and WeFollow. But, it is not well organized or easy to use like; Twellow and WeFollow. Then too, it is a largest directory to get any kind of Twitter followers.


Twitterel tries to search people you might be concerned in following by doing keyword searches of tweets. The service can update you by email, direct message, or @reply when it catches new people it considers you might be concerned in following. It’s kind of like Google Alerts for Twitter follow recommendations.

Who Should i Follow?

“Who Should i Follow?” facilitates users to enter Twitter username into it and the service searches users who are comparable to those you’re already following. The site doesn’t reveal that how it works, but it is good in finding users whose tweets are comparable in content to your followers. It filters the result as per the user popularity and how near the person is to a specific location.


Follow all above tricks to search for the best and compatible followers to talk and share your feelings and suggestions. Also, these tricks will be helpful in spreading business.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2019


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