Best Tools to Monitor Network Bandwidth on a Linux Server

As businesses rely more and more on digital technology, need to monitor network bandwidth on a Linux server becomes increasingly important. Keeping an eye on network usage allows administrators to ensure network is running smoothly and that all users have bandwidth they need. In this article, we'll look at some of best tools for monitoring network bandwidth on a Linux server.


nload is a simple yet effective tool for monitoring network bandwidth. It's a command-line utility that shows real-time network usage for incoming and outgoing traffic separately. nload also displays total amount of data that has been transferred, making it easy to keep track of bandwidth usage. It's a lightweight tool that doesn't consume too many system resources, making it ideal for monitoring network usage on a low-end server.

To install nload on Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions, use following command −

sudo apt-get install nload

Once installed, you can run nload by typing following command −



vnStat is another simple command-line tool for monitoring network bandwidth. Unlike nload, vnStat tracks network usage over time and stores data in a database for later analysis. It displays daily, weekly, and monthly network usage statistics, making it easy to track usage patterns over time. vnStat also provides a web interface for viewing network usage data in a graphical format.

To install vnStat on Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions, use following command −

sudo apt-get install vnstat

Once installed, you can run vnStat by typing following command −



iftop is a powerful command-line tool that displays real-time network usage for individual connections. It provides a list of active network connections sorted by bandwidth usage, making it easy to identify which connections are consuming most bandwidth. iftop also provides a graphical representation of network usage, making it easy to see at a glance which connections are using most bandwidth.

To install iftop on Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions, use following command −

sudo apt-get install iftop

Once installed, you can run iftop by typing following command −

sudo iftop


ntopng is a web-based network traffic analysis tool that provides real-time network usage data in a graphical format. It provides a detailed view of network traffic, including source and destination of network traffic, protocols used, and amount of data transferred. ntopng also provides network traffic alerts, making it easy to identify potential network issues.

To install ntopng on Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions, use following command −

sudo apt-get install ntopng

Once installed, you can access ntopng web interface by navigating to server's IP address followed by port 3000, e.g.,


NetHogs is a command-line tool that provides real-time network usage data for individual processes. It displays amount of bandwidth consumed by each process, making it easy to identify which processes are consuming most bandwidth. NetHogs also provides a summary of network usage by process and user, making it easy to track network usage by individual users.

To install NetHogs on Ubuntu or Debian-based distributions, use following command −

sudo apt-get install nethogs

Once installed, you can run NetHogs by typing following command −

sudo nethogs

In addition to monitoring network usage on a Linux server, it's also important to ensure that server itself is running efficiently. A poorly optimized server can cause bottlenecks and slow down network traffic, even if there is plenty of available bandwidth.

One way to optimize a Linux server is to use a lightweight operating system like CentOS or Ubuntu Server. These operating systems are designed to be lightweight and efficient, making them ideal for use on low-end servers.

Another way to optimize a Linux server is to use a web server like Nginx or Apache. These web servers are designed to handle high levels of traffic and can be optimized for performance using various caching and optimization techniques.

In addition to tools we've discussed, there are also a range of commercial monitoring solutions available that offer more advanced features and capabilities. These tools typically come with a higher price tag but may be worth investment for businesses that require more advanced network monitoring capabilities.

Regardless of which tools you choose to use, it's important to remember that network monitoring is an ongoing process. Regularly monitoring network usage and analyzing data collected can help identify issues and potential bottlenecks before they become major problems. By staying on top of network usage, administrators can ensure that their network is performing at its best and that all users have bandwidth they need to get their work done.

Finally, it's important to ensure that Linux server is running latest version of all software and security patches. Outdated software can be a major security risk and can also slow down network traffic.


Monitoring network bandwidth on a Linux server is essential to ensure network is running smoothly and that all users have bandwidth they need. tools we've discussed in this article provide a range of options for monitoring network usage, from simple command-line tools like nload and vnStat to more advanced tools like ntopng. By using these tools, administrators can identify potential network issues before they become major problems and ensure that network is performing at its best.

It's worth noting that while tools we've discussed are all excellent options for monitoring network bandwidth on a Linux server, they are not only options available. Depending on your specific needs and requirements, you may find that other tools or combinations of tools work better for your particular environment.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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