Best practices for identifying and fixing content duplication on a website

Search engines like Google have a hard time with content duplication. When the same or similar content is hosted on multiple URLs on the web, search engines don't know which version of the content to give more weight to the results they show. People linking to different versions of the same content is bad enough because it can herms a website's ranking. This article will discuss what causes content duplication and how to eliminate it.

How do You Define "Content Duplication"?

We say that a piece of writing is duplicated when it shows up at more than one web address. Having the same content in multiple places confuses search engines and makes it hard for them to figure out which location to put first. So, they might rank both URLs lower and put other sites ahead of them.

The main topic of this essay is how technology leads to duplicate content and how to stop it. We suggest reading this post if you want to learn more about content duplication and how it relates to cloned or scraped content and even term cannibalization.

How To Find Duplicate Content?

Several SEO tools exist to address this problem of content duplication. Before diving into any SEO tool lists, you should know what triggers duplicate content. Consider the following examples of situations where content duplication might arise in your work.

Identifying Content with Article IDs

Most websites today are powered by some sort of content management system. Even while just a single copy of any given item must be stored in the database, the software allows many URLs to go to the same content. This occurs when the article ID is used as the identifier within the database rather than the URL.

But a search engine will utilize a URL because it is a permanent address for a webpage. Hence, instead of doing what makes sense from a development standpoint, programmers should begin matching identifiers used by search engines.

Identifiers of Sessions

In the jargon of web developers, when someone visits your website, you have a "session." This is a synopsis of the user's actions while on your site, such as the pages they viewed, the links they clicked, the amount of time they spent there, and so on.

The Session ID is a special number assigned to each session. That data must be archived somewhere. In certain implementations, the Session ID is appended to the end of the URL, guaranteeing that all sessions associated with that ID will display the same information. As a result, your page will have content duplication, which indexing bots would likely ignore.

Tracking Parameters

Administrators and moderators of websites appreciate tracking and sorting characteristics that allow them to count and sort link clicks. You might add something like "/?source=advertiser-name" to the end of your URL to see how much of your traffic originates from a specific advertiser. Your page's search engine rankings will suffer due to these trackers.

Equally applicable to any tracking metrics your site may employ. Such trackers generate duplicate URLs for the same content, which hurts your SEO.

Content Syndication and Scraping

Third-party sites may be exploiting your work without permission. They may forget to return to your original content when using a quote or anchor text. Scraping, often known as content syndication, describes this practice.

This issue often arises when an article or website you've made becomes popular. In such instances, you should check to see if the scrapers provide a link to your site or rework the text before posting it. On the other hand, it can be challenging to exert control over either of these factors.

How To Fix Duplicate Content Issues?

It's good to know that problems with duplicate pages can be fixed. Here are the most effective strategies for dealing with content duplication and the top SEO tools.

Check for Plagiarism using Software

Use a plagiarism checker to find any content duplication on the web that isn't yours. SEO solutions that include plagiarism checkers are what you need for this. These applications search the entire web for any page that contains your material in any format that could confuse crawl bots.

You can contact other websites about adding a backlink or paraphrasing the information when you see content duplication. If you like, you can also rewrite your content using paraphrase.

To avoid being accused of copying someone else's work, it's a good idea to employ plagiarism checkers whenever you create fresh content. Without it, you can end up duplicating someone else's work and hurting your search engine rankings.

To Rephrase Your Content

If you find any of your content appearing on other websites, it is sensible to make some adjustments. If you update your blog's content, you won't risk dropping in search engine rankings for the keywords that were previously optimized for.

Use a keyword guide to ensure you use the proper keywords while paraphrasing for search engine optimization. When creating new material, the greatest SEO tools will guide you, so you don't stray from your original SEO objectives. Nowadays, you can even use AI technology to paraphrase your material automatically. However, make sure the quality is maintained in the paraphrased version first.

Get A 301 Redirect

Adding a 301 redirect to your page is a good way to prevent duplicate material from appearing on a page that may be a clone of the original. This includes unique identifiers for monitoring purposes, "print-friendly" versions of web pages and any variations on the site's primary URL that serve different purposes.

If you add a 301 redirect to the duplicate, the two data sets will be consolidated into a single location for tracking and crawling purposes. In this method, your duplicates won't be vying for traffic. It's possible that utilizing a 301 will positively affect your site by increasing signals of relevance and popularity.

A search engine optimization tool will help you identify content duplication on your site. You may implement 301 redirects by editing the htaccess file for your domain. You can also find a plugin for WordPress that will take care of 301 redirects for you.


When there is a lot of content duplication on a website, search engines may penalize it by lowering its position and thus reducing its visitors. Even while it won't negatively affect your website's search engine rankings, paying attention is important.

This article lists a few potential causes of content duplication and emphasizes the urgency of addressing this problem.

Updated on: 06-Apr-2023


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