Best Practices for Identifying and Fixing Broken Links on a Website

If you have a website, we know you spent many hours laboring over it to make it the best resource possible. If your links don't function, your efforts may be in vain. There are two ways in which broken links on your website might hurt your business −

  • They're terrible for business because consumers feel annoyed when they click on a link and receive a 404 error instead.

  • Having broken links might hurt your SEO because they prevent link equity from being spread evenly throughout your site.

Regularly checking for broken links on your whole website might help you avoid these dangers. Many people would want to know the answer to that question. The good news is that we've done this job before and recorded the whole procedure in an easy-to-follow step-by-step guide that we hope will be useful to you. Hence, to assist you in locating and fixing any broken links on your website, we have compiled this detailed guide.

Recognizing Broken Links on a Website

So the question is how to repair the damaged references. You'll need to locate the broken connections before you can fix them. Broken link detection may be accomplished in a variety of methods. One option is to look for broken links using Google Webmaster Tools. Crawl Errors is where you'll look for missing or damaged links on your site. But, this does not check external links for brokenness. Another option is to monitor traffic to your 404 page by creating a custom filter in Google Analytics. Once again, this won't help you find non-working links.

Think about how you will discover broken external connections before you worry about fixing them. A week (or more) may be spent checking each and every link on your website for functionality. Given how rapidly websites and content are updated, it would be necessary to begin the procedure again immediately to monitor for broken links. We suggest investing in a broken link-checking tool instead of hiring a dedicated person to do this work.

To maximize the positive effect of fixing broken links on your website, starting with the most important pages is best.

Therefore, the Quality Assurance tool is a must-have for spotting dead connections. This tool is excellent since it checks your website for broken links (and other issues) every week and notifies you with a report in your mailbox. This makes it simple to monitor your site for broken links and repair them before they negatively affect your rankings or the user experience.

How To Fix The Broken Links?

The frequency you check for broken links should be proportional to how much material you publish each week. If you want to meet once a month, once a quarter, or more often, here are some good habits to get into −

  • Verify Crawl Problems in Google

Search Console automatically prioritizes error 404 Crawl errors. You may relax if there are no critical 404 crawl issues farther down the list and the report's top faults are unimportant.

  • Keep away from website deep connections unless necessary

The term "deep link" refers to a hyperlink that leads to an internal page rather than the homepage. The usage of deep links is recommended if you find the site to be an authoritative source of information, regardless of whether it is internal or external. If you operate an online store and have links to individual product pages, you should check them once a month to ensure none of them lead to dead ends if the corresponding product is no longer in stock.

  • If the link is external, contact the site linked to you and ask them to correct it

It's essential to let the connecting website know if they made a mistake in placing your link. They may be able to repair it, or you might be able to establish a connection with them. If the association or website in question no longer works, you may either attempt to find another one or get rid of the reference altogether.

  • Methods of Distraction Usage

In the event that a user encounters a broken link, they may utilize redirection techniques to be taken to a different destination with the same content. Visit meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=''" /> to have the broken page 301 redirected to the new destination.

In addition to the above advice, here are some additional suggestions for redirecting based on the language your website was built in.

  • Fix the broken link by recreating the original information

Determine what the content of the missing page was and restore it.

  • You should forward (301) the broken link to a working page on your site

Locate comparable material elsewhere on your site and point the broken link there. Filing a broken link to a functional website that provides a comprehensive guide on damaged link building makes perfect sense if the fractured page is labeled "how to perform broken link building."

  • It's best to leave a 404 error message

This is a good choice; just be sure you display a "hard" 404 rather than a "soft" 404. Want to know more about making a 404 page?


Is that being said, why is it crucial to look for broken links? Whenever visitors encounter a broken link on your site, they may assume that you are not keeping your content current and that they can no longer trust what they find there. A significant number of broken links will hurt your search engine results and page rankings and add to a poor user experience for your site's visitors. So, websites that want to minimize their broken link SEO collateral must regularly check for broken links.

If you want your site to rank higher in search engines, keep your visitors happy, and prevent Google from having any difficulties with crawling and indexing your content, you must find and repair all of the broken links on your site.

Unlike many other possible concerns with a website, checking for broken links is relatively easy. First and foremost, if you are often adding new information, you should check for broken links. Inevitably, some fractured links may slip through the cracks if they aren't checked frequently and consistently.

While it may not seem appealing initially, learning the fundamentals of fixing broken links will make the process much easier in the long run.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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