Best Online Sources To Learn JavaScript

In this tutorial, we shall discover the best online source to learn JavaScript.

JavaScript is a client-side language for website development. JavaScript is handy for responsive website development.

Learning JavaScript is essential because of the increased resource requirements. There are many free resources available to learn Javascript online. Let us look into this in brief.

Online Sources to Learn JavaScript

Tutorials Point

Tutorials Point offers an online tutorials library for the best content on the latest technologies including C, C++, Java, Python, Javascript, PHP, Machine Learning, Data Science, AppML, etc. Tutorials Point also offers numerous Q&A articles on different technologies including JavaScript. It also provides video courses on all technologies.

Mozilla Developer Network

MDN is a documentation resource from which learners can learn JavaScript concepts. Developers who study at MDN are knowledgeable. This site is not that good for beginners in JavaScript.

The freeCodeCamp website allows learners to learn and execute projects. You can improve your coding skills and share knowledge with others. There is a forum and a YouTube channel for discussions.


Udemy is a better option for learning JavaScript and provides free and paid courses. You can be up to date in technology if you follow this platform. You need to pay $9.99 for the paid courses.


Pluralsight is a top platform for learning JavaScript programming. The website provides beginners' courses. CodeSchool website that offers web learning is a part of Pluralsight.

JavaScript for cats

JavaScript cats are the best online resource for beginners in JavaScript. The platform lets beginners learn the fundamental concepts of JavaScript.

JavaScript 30

JavaScript 30 supports learners to try more programs. They also offer a free certification course. Learners can execute 30 different programs.


Coursera is a source from Stanford professors. It offers free and paid online courses for beginners and seniors. Coursera gives scholarships if you are not able to pay the fee.


Codementor gives free JavaScript certification in four weeks. Learners can learn associated JavaScript concepts like Ajax on this platform. If you need support, you can pay $15 for one hour and get help from a JavaScript tutor.

Codecademy’s Intro to JavaScript Track

Within 15 to 20 hours, learners can learn Javascript concepts by running programs on this platform. They also offer a free certification course. Because they provide basic-level tutorials, this platform is helpful for beginners. The site also helps to learn HTML, CSS, PHP, etc. helps to learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript online. The platform lets the learner develop a website after completing the certification course. Interactive videos and test programs improve your knowledge.

Fullstack academy’s intro to Coding

Fullstack Academy's Intro to Coding offers entry learning from HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. For a beginner to understand the concepts from this platform through video tutorials, 15 hours is more than enough.

Treehouse’s JavaScript Basic

Treehouse’s JavaScript Basics includes quizzes, tests, and video tutorials for learners. The tutorial is a paid course, but learners can grasp the knowledge in a short time. allows you to learn and run programs in the browser. The site is for both beginners and experienced.


Codecademy primarily needs a subscription. But still, the platform offers free courses to learn JavaScript concepts through videos and test programs.

MDN JavaScript

MDN JavaScript contains everything that covers JavaScript concepts. Multiple language support is available on the platform. Beginners can use the Javascript garden in this platform to avoid errors.


Sololearn can help you learn Javascript concepts from the beginner to the advanced level by running real-time projects. JavaScript experts are behind this program. They also offer a certification. You have to pay $15 and learn advanced concepts by taking a membership.

Learn Javascript Online

Google developers offer this website with more than 40 javascript courses. This tool helps do project-specific coding.


edX provides many javascript courses by experts from the top universities. Though certification is not open source in this tool, tutorials are free of cost.

Code Combat

CodeCombat lets students learn programming by playing a game. Both the teachers with programming skills and no programming knowledge are working on this platform.

Programming with Mosh

Are you looking forward to learning JavaScript basics in a short time? Mosh for beginners will help you accomplish this.

Dev Docs

DevDocs is an open-source course from freeCodeCamp. Much API documentation is available in this course. They include docs for all popular programming languages similar to JavaScript.


JSDoc is a free course for learning JavaScript. A large amount of documentation is also available on this site.

JavaScript @GitHub

GitHub is a well-known source for developers. Developers can learn fast by learning and sharing knowledge with others. Even though it takes some time to learn the GitHub process, it is a good source. GitHub tutorials and GitHub crash courses can help you with this.

DEV is a software group of programs that share knowledge through articles. It is a sort of blogging. You can set up a developer account and start writing articles through this platform.


Hackernoon is a publication by experts. It is free. Although this is similar to the Dev community, experts writing articles offer quality content.

Web Design Weekly

Web Design Weekly is a weekly newsletter for designers and developers. It gives tips and logic hints for programmers. More than 30000 designers and developers are members of this program.

JavaScript Weekly

JavaScript Weekly is also a newsletter for developers. This newsletter includes javascript content. More than 175 K email subscribers are there for JavaScript weekly.


Medium is a program blogging platform where writers can share their knowledge. JavaScript in plain English is a good publication from them.

Many writers publish articles without any payment.

But to read more articles, you will need to pay $5 per month.

This article is helpful for programers if they want to learn JavaScript for free. It is a difficult job to find the right and best resource to study JavaScript. Never lose your efforts and money by going into the wrong choices. Read everything, read reviews and think twice before choosing a resource to learn.

Updated on: 28-Dec-2022

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