Best Database Management Software - Top 25 Software

In today's digital world, data is one of most valuable assets of any organization. Managing and organizing data is crucial for smooth functioning of a business. Database Management Software (DBMS) helps organizations in this regard by storing, organizing, and retrieving data efficiently. Choosing best DBMS for your organization is a crucial decision, as it can affect performance and productivity of your organization. In this article, we will discuss top 25 DBMS available in market.

Oracle Database

Oracle Database is one of most popular DBMS used by large organizations. It is a multi-model database management system that supports both SQL and NoSQL structures.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational DBMS that is widely used by businesses of all sizes. It is known for its scalability and high performance.


MySQL is an open-source DBMS that is widely used for web applications. It is known for its speed and reliability.


PostgreSQL is another open-source DBMS that is widely used for enterprise applications. It is known for its scalability and support for advanced data types.


MongoDB is a NoSQL document-oriented DBMS that is widely used for web applications. It is known for its flexibility and scalability.


IBM DB2 is a relational DBMS that is widely used by large organizations. It is known for its reliability and support for advanced data types.


SAP HANA is an in-memory DBMS that is widely used for business intelligence and analytics. It is known for its speed and scalability.


Teradata is a relational DBMS that is widely used for data warehousing. It is known for its scalability and high performance.


Cassandra is a NoSQL distributed DBMS that is widely used for web applications. It is known for its scalability and high availability.


SQLite is a lightweight, embedded DBMS that is widely used for mobile and desktop applications. It is known for its small footprint and ease of use.

Amazon Aurora

Amazon Aurora is a cloud-based relational DBMS that is widely used by businesses of all sizes. It is known for its scalability and high availability.

Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud SQL is a cloud-based relational DBMS that is widely used for web applications. It is known for its scalability and high availability.


MariaDB is an open-source relational DBMS that is a fork of MySQL. It is known for its speed and reliability.

Apache Derby

Apache Derby is an open-source relational DBMS that is widely used for small-scale applications. It is known for its ease of use and portability.


Couchbase is a NoSQL document-oriented DBMS that is widely used for web applications. It is known for its scalability and high availability.


Redis is an in-memory data structure store that is widely used for caching and messaging. It is known for its speed and scalability.


Informix is a relational DBMS that is widely used for high-transaction applications. It is known for its speed and reliability.


Firebird is an open-source relational DBMS that is widely used for small-scale applications. It is known for its ease of use and portability.


OrientDB is a multi-model DBMS that supports both SQL and NoSQL structures. It is known for its scalability and support for graph data.


Hadoop is a distributed data processing framework that is widely used for big data applications. It is known for its scalability and support for unstructured data.


Neo4j is a graph DBMS that is widely used for graph data applications. It is known for its high performance and scalability for complex relationships and queries.

InterSystems Cache

InterSystems Cache is a multi-model DBMS that supports both SQL and NoSQL structures. It is known for its speed and reliability for healthcare and financial applications.


RethinkDB is a NoSQL distributed DBMS that is widely used for real-time web applications. It is known for its scalability and ease of use.

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a desktop relational DBMS that is widely used for small-scale applications. It is known for its ease of use and integration with other Microsoft products.


DBVisualizer is a multi-platform database management tool that supports various DBMS. It is known for its ease of use and visualization features for database objects and relationships.

Factors to consider when choosing a DBMS

  • Scalability − ability of DBMS to handle increasing amounts of data and users without affecting performance.

  • Security − ability of DBMS to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and attacks.

  • Performance − speed and efficiency of DBMS in storing and retrieving data.

  • Flexibility − ability of DBMS to support different data structures and types.

  • Cost − total cost of ownership including licensing, hardware, and maintenance.

  • Integration − ability of DBMS to integrate with other software and platforms.


Choosing right DBMS is critical for success of any organization. It is important to evaluate different factors and requirements of your business before making a decision. top 25 DBMS listed above are widely used and trusted by businesses of all sizes. Each DBMS has its own strengths and weaknesses, and choice ultimately depends on specific needs of your organization. By selecting right DBMS, you can improve performance, productivity, and security of your business data.

Updated on: 10-Apr-2023


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