Beginner Tips for Learning Python

Python is a computer programming language that is frequently used to create websites and software, automate tasks, and analyze data. Python is a general-purpose programming language, which means it can be used to create a wide range of programs and is not specialized for any particular problem. This versatility, combined with its ease of use for beginners, has made it one of the most widely used programming languages today

It is regarded as the best language for beginners, to begin with.

Nowadays, almost every company that has an application, a website, or any computer-driven hardware requires programming.

Needless to say, if you want to start a career in programming, Python is an excellent language to learn.

In this article, we will look at beginner tips for learning Python Programming.

Learn the Basics- Syntax, Variables, Data Types, Conditionals

It will be easier for you to grasp more advanced concepts if you have a better understanding of the fundamentals.

First and foremost, install Python on your system. Simply go to Python's official website, download the latest version, and you're ready to go. After the installation is finished, you can use IDLE to write and run Python code.

Python syntax is one of the simplest because it allows for simple variable declarations. It is a type of dynamic programming language. When first starting out with Python, you should learn the syntax. You should first learn how to use Python's print() and input() methods, which are used to print and accept user input. Then, in Python, you should learn how to declare and use variables. The data containers are variables. Data types must also be learned.

Python supports a wide range of data types, including numbers, strings, sets, booleans, lists, dictionaries, and complexes. Python's basic syntax includes the conditional clause. Conditionals are used in Python and other programming languages to execute a block of code only when certain conditions are met.

Loops, Functions, Built-in Functions

A loop is a section of code that is repeated many times. A for loop executes the variable limit specified during the for loop declaration. In Python, functions are declared using the def keyword. Functions are a block of code contained within the function name, and the entire code contained within the function is executed in the calling function. Functions make code more reusable and readable. Python has many built-in functions that can be very useful and make our work easier.

OOPs Concepts, Built-in Data Structures, and Other Stuff

This section will be challenging, especially if you are unfamiliar with object-oriented programming concepts. Take advantage of the resources we've provided, and with some practice, you'll be able to grasp the concepts. These concepts will be widely used in the development of complex applications, so master them. It could take between 1 and 1.5 weeks to learn.

  • Object-oriented programming in Python
  • Lists & List functions
  • List comprehension
  • List/Tuple/String slicing
  • String formatting
  • List, Dictionaries & Tuples

It's time to build something once you've mastered the above topics and practiced them enough. Python has a large number of modules, packages, libraries, and frameworks that can be used for a variety of applications. Instead of starting from scratch, use the frameworks and libraries available in this language. Using these frameworks and libraries will make it easier for you to create something. Choose the framework or libraries based on your end goal (Web development, desktop-based applications, etc.)

Advance Topics 1- RegEx, Decorators, Lambda

Regular expressions are abbreviated as RegEx. The re module in Python allows you to use regular expressions. RegEx is a pattern search in strings. Decorators are a Python feature. You should be aware that in Python, everything is an object, including classes and functions. In Python, variables simply point to objects. We can pass objects to Python functions, and because functions are objects, we can pass functions to functions; this Python feature is known as decorators. Lambda is an easy concept to grasp. In Python, Lambda is a one-line function.

Advanced Topics 2- Modules, Iterators

Modules are pre-written Python scripts with extension. They provide some specialised functionality. They are usable by importing them into our programmes. To import a module, use the import statement. Python includes a wide range of built-in modules, and you can also create your own. In Python, an iterator is an object with countable elements that can be iterated. We can use the iter() method to convert iterable objects (lists, tuples, etc.) to iterator objects.

Learn Python Libraries

Python is well-known for many things, one of which is its large number of libraries. You can obtain a library for any of your projects. Shortcode libraries make it simple to write large programs. Python includes both built-in and third-party libraries. The pip command (pip install library_name) can be used to install a library. Mastering libraries grants you the ability to make your work much easier. Some libraries are well-known because they provide too much power to Python developers, such as for data science and machine learning. Others, such as scipy, NumPy, scikit-learn, PyTorch, and others, should be learned without hesitation.

Do small projects in Python

Small projects are a good way for a beginner to learn Python and become more proficient in it. These projects do not have to be extremely useful as long as they teach you something. A calculator app, an alarm clock app, a tic-tac-toe game, and other projects are examples of what can be created. After finishing the beginner stage, you can begin working on projects in the domain you want to pursue further (like Web-development, ML, etc.).

Learn Version Control Systems

A version control system is a system for tracking changes in a project. The most well-known VCS is Git version control. It enables you to collaborate with other Python developers. To master version control, you must learn many commands. You can keep track of all changes that occurred to your project during its development. If you make changes to your project that introduce bugs, you can use the version control system to restore the project to its previous state. In interviews, you may also be asked about version control. It is necessary to have skills because you will be required to work in a team while working in any company.

Contribute to open source

Contributing to open-source code is an excellent way to gain valuable experience.

Software source code is publicly available in the open-source model, and anyone can contribute to it.

It is also a great way to interact with people who share similar interests and to teach new things to the programming community.

Interacting and collaborating with others on a common platform will also allow you to learn new concepts from everyone involved.

When you examine the source code, you will learn how things work, draw your own conclusions, and practice by reading the codes of others.

Teach Python to someone else

It is said that you only truly understand something when you can teach it to another person. So, whether through blog posts, video recordings, live lectures, or other means, teach Python to others. This will improve your understanding of Python while also revealing any gaps in your knowledge that need to be filled.


If you've decided to pursue a career as a programmer, make sure to use all of these Python learning tips to get the most out of your programming abilities!

Now that you've learned all of the beginner Python tips, it's time to put them to use.

Take lots of handwritten notes, practice coding every day, and contribute to open-source codes.

Updated on: 12-Oct-2022


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