Batch statement in Cassandra

Batch statements in Cassandra are a powerful tool that allow you to perform multiple updates or inserts in a single atomic operation. This can be especially useful in scenarios where you need to perform multiple updates on the same partition key, or when you want to ensure that a series of updates are applied together. In this article, we will cover what batch statements are, how to use them in Cassandra, and some best practices for using them effectively.

What are Batch Statements in Cassandra?

A batch statement in Cassandra is a single CQL statement that combines multiple insert, update, or delete operations into a single atomic operation. This means that either all of the operations in the batch are applied successfully, or none of them are applied at all. Batch statements are particularly useful when you need to perform multiple updates on the same partition key, as they ensure that all of the updates are applied consistently.

How to Use Batch Statements in Cassandra?

Using batch statements in Cassandra is relatively straightforward. Here is an example of a simple batch statement that inserts two rows into a table −

BEGIN BATCH INSERT INTO users (id, name, age) VALUES (1, 'Alice', 25); INSERT INTO users (id, name, age) VALUES (2, 'Bob', 30); APPLY BATCH;

In this example, we are using the BEGIN BATCH and APPLY BATCH keywords to indicate the start and end of the batch statement. Between these keywords, we can include any number of insert, update, or delete statements.

It's also possible to use batch statements to perform updates and deletes. Here is an example of a batch statement that updates two rows in a table −

BEGIN BATCH UPDATE users SET age = 26 WHERE id = 1; UPDATE users SET age = 31 WHERE id = 2; APPLY BATCH;

And here is an example of a batch statement that deletes two rows from a table −


Best Practices for Using Batch Statements in Cassandra

There are a few best practices to keep in mind when using batch statements in Cassandra −

Use batch statements when you need to perform multiple updates on the same partition key. Batch statements ensure that all of the updates are applied consistently, which can be especially important in scenarios where multiple updates are happening concurrently.

Avoid using batch statements for unrelated updates. While it is possible to use batch statements to perform updates on different partition keys, this can lead to poor performance and should be avoided if possible.

Use the CAS (compare and set) option to ensure that batch statements are applied only if certain conditions are met. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to ensure that a batch statement is only applied if the data has not changed since it was last read.

Be mindful of the size of your batch statements. While Cassandra is able to handle large batch statements, it is generally best to keep them as small as possible to avoid putting too much strain on the database.

Batch Type

In Cassandra, there are two types of batch statements: logged and unlogged. A logged batch statement is similar to a normal batch statement in that it combines multiple insert, update, or delete operations into a single atomic operation. The difference is that a logged batch statement also logs the operations in the batch to the commit log, which can be useful for debugging and recovery purposes.

On the other hand, an unlogged batch statement does not log the operations in the batch to the commit log. This can make unlogged batch statements faster than logged batch statements, but it also means that the operations in the batch are not recoverable if there is a failure. As a result, it is generally recommended to use logged batch statements unless you have a specific need for the improved performance of an unlogged batch statement.

Batch Size Limits

Cassandra has a limit on the size of batch statements, which is currently set to a maximum of 65535 statements. This means that you cannot include more than 65535 insert, update, or delete statements in a single batch. If you need to perform more than 65535 operations in a single batch, you can use multiple batch statements instead.

Batch Statement Performance

Batch statements can improve the performance of your Cassandra database in certain scenarios. For example, if you are performing multiple updates on the same partition key, using a batch statement can be faster than performing the updates individually. This is because Cassandra only needs to perform a single write to the commit log and memtable for all of the updates in the batch, rather than one write for each update.

However, it's important to keep in mind that batch statements can also have a negative impact on performance in certain situations. For example, if you are using batch statements to perform updates on different partition keys, this can lead to poor performance due to the overhead of writing to the commit log and memtable for each partition key. In general, it is best to use batch statements only when you need to perform multiple updates on the same partition key.


In conclusion, batch statements are a powerful tool in Cassandra that allows you to perform multiple updates or inserts in a single atomic operation. By following the best practices outlined above, you can use batch statements effectively to ensure consistent updates and improve the performance of your database.

Updated on: 10-Jan-2023

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