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Course on Basics to know before practising DSA in Java

person icon Monish Njs


Course on Basics to know before practising DSA in Java

Getting started with DSA and competitive coding

updated on icon Updated on Jul, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Monish Njs

category icon IT & Software,Other IT & Software,Java Collections Framework

Lectures -8

Duration -1 hours



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Course Description

These notes contain basic details such as how to declare, initiate, access(add/remove), iterate arrays, set, list, map, queue, stack


stores values of the same data type. The address of elements stored consecutively in memory
length is fixed. inserting or deleting an element in the middle is not easy


int[] nums = {1,2,4} //initializing with values
int[] nums = new int[10] //initializing with size. 0 will be initialized in all indexes if we declare without variables

Accessing an element:

Array index starts from 0..length-1
int[] nums = {1,2,4}
nums[0] — 1
nums[1] — 2
nums[2] — 4

Built-in methods to use in Arrays

Sorting an element — Arrays. sort(nums);

Finding the size of array — array_name.length

Filling array element with some values -

Arrays. fill(nums, -1) -> this will assign all values in the array as -1

Iterating Arrays

Let us consider we loop the elements in an integer array, we can do it like below

1. For loop:

for (i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {

System.out.print(nums[i]); // accessing each element of array


2. For each loop

for (int i : nums) {




Strings are nothing but a sequence of character values. They will be is written inside “ ”.


Strins s = “Welcome”; // string literal

String s=new String(“Welcome”); // string object

The strings created like this are not mutable. If we want to add or delete anything from this string, we need to use StringBuilder or String Buffer class only

Built-in methods:

length of a string — length()

seeing character at some position — charAt()

if a string contains particular substring — contains()

Converting string to char array — toCharArray()

taking substrings — substring()

Replacing in string — replace()

Replacing first occurence — replaceFirst()

joining two strings — string1. concat(string2)

getting index of a character — string.indexOf(character)

removes beginnind and ending space in string — trim()

converting lower and capital letters inside string — toUpperCase() and toLowerCase()


StringBuilder is mutable.


StringBuilder string = new StringBuilder(“Welcome”);

Built-in methods used in String Builder:

All string built-in methods can be used here as well

string. append(“strings”) — to append to a string

string. insert(startIndex,”string”) — to insert a string from particular index

string. delete(startIndex, endIndex) — deleted string from the start to given end index

string. reverse() — to reverse the array

Iterating String:

For each loop:

for (Char c : string.toCharArray()){




For loop:

for(int i = 0; i < string.length();i++)


System. out. println(string.charAt(i));



size is dynamic

They store in the order we provide and they can have duplicates


List varName = new ArrayList<>();

List varName = new LinkedList<>();

  1. ArrayList

List a1 = new ArrayList();
a1. add(“Zara”);
a1. add(“Mahnaz”);
a1. add(“Ayan”);
System. out. println(“ ArrayList Elements”);
System.out.print(“\\t” + a1);


ArrayList Elements
[Zara, Mahnaz, Ayan]

2. Linked List

List l1 = new LinkedList<>();
l1. add(“Zara”);
l1. add(“Mahnaz”);
l1. add(“Ayan”);
System. out. println();
System. out. println(“ LinkedList Elements”);
System.out.print(“\\t” + l1);

LinkedList Elements
[Zara, Mahnaz, Ayan]

Built-in methods in List-
add(value), add(index, value),



contains(value) returns true or false
isEmpty() return true or false,
size() returns int

Difference between Array List & Linked List:

Array List stores values sequentially, so if we add or remove a value it needs more time to shift its elements and adjust

LinkedList stores randomly in memory and links by pointers. inserting and deleting takes less time here


Set can’t have duplicates

Types of Set

HashSet — stores values in random order and it is unsorted

LinekedHashset — stores in order we give
Treeset — stores in asc order

When to use Set

  1. When we want to find union/intersection/difference in two sets of data, we can use sets.

  2. Whenever we want to find a missing or a duplicate element we can first about Sets

Declaration and initialisation:

Set set = new HashSet<>();



Build in methods -

add(value) — returns t/f,
contains(value) — returns t/f,
isEmpty() return true or false,
size() returns int

Union — set1. addAll(set2);

Intersection — set1. retainAll(set2);

Difference between sets — set1. removeAll(set2);


stores unique key, value pair

Types of Map

Hash Map — stores in random order and the key won’t be sorted
Linked Hash Map — stores in order we provide
Tree Map — stores in key’s ascending order

When to use the map

Whenever we want to count the frequency of something, we can use Map

Whenever we want to group something and count them, we can use Map

Declaration and Initialization

Map m1 = new HashMap();
m1. put(“Zara”, “8”);
m1. put(“Mahnaz”, “31”);
m1. put(“Ayan”, “12”);
m1. get(“Zara”);

-put(key,value), get(key)
-containsKey(key) — returns true or false
-containsValue(value) — returns true or false
-isEmpty() — returns True or false
-size() returns int
-values() returns list of values
-keys() returns list of keys
-putIfAbsent(key,new value)
-getOrDefault(existing,inititalize value)
-ceilingKey(key) -> gives greater element to the key
-lowerKey or floorkey(key) -> gives smaller element to the key

Iterating hash map

for(int value : map. values()){


for(int key : map. keys()){


for(Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()){
System.out.println(“Key = “ + entry.getKey() +
“, Value = “ + entry . getValue());


Stack stores elements of the same data type.

We can insert, and remove elements in the stack in the Last In First Out policy (LIFO)


Stack variable_name = new Stack<>();

Stack stack = new Stack<>();

Methods used in Stack:

stack_name . push() — insert element into a stack

stack_name . peek() — checks the topmost element in the stack

stack_name . pop() — removes the topmost element in the stack

stack_name . size() — returns the number of elements in the stack

stack_name . empty() — returns true / false. if the stack is empty, it returns true. if the stack is not empty it returns false

stack_name . clear() — clears the stack

stack_name . contains(value) — returns true if the value we check is there in a stack or else it returns false
stack_name . remove(index) — removes the value in a given index

stack_name . search(value) — searches the value in the stack and returns us the index of the value if present.

Iterating stack:

We can go through the stack elements in two ways.

1. Popping the elements

We can pop the stack elements one by one and go through all the elements.

2. For each loop

We can go through the stack by a for loop as below

for(String s : stack_name)


//Stack will be iterated from bottom to top direction in this way


How to identify if that problem can be solved using a stack

1. when we want to evaluate brackets, and expressions in a certain order we can use stacks.

2. When we want to use backspace characters on the keyboard or in any similar situations, we can use stacks

3. When we want to delete or remove the last elements we can use the stack.

4. When we want to backtrack to something and then again move forward direction multiple times we can use the stack.

5. We can use stack to find some peak elements (assuming the value plotted something like a graph) we can use stacks

Queue: (Interface and not class)

FIFO policy
1. Queue ll = new LinkedList(); //stores in order we insert
2. Queue pQueue = new PriorityQueue(); //it stores in Asc order. This can also be used as Min heap

2. Queue pQueue = new PriorityQueue((a,b) -> b-a); //it stores in desc order. This can also be used as max heap

offer(element) used to initialize the queue

remove(element) /poll() returns top element
peek()/element() returns the top element that will be polled

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner Java developers who want to practice DSA
  • Developers who prepare for Coding interviews


  • Time complexity
  • Space Complexity
  • What are Arrays and how to work in Arrays
  • How to handle String in Java
  • What are Sets, Map, Lists, Stack, and Queue
  • How to Declare, use, and iterate - Sets, Map, List, Stack and Queue


  • It is good to know Core Java

Course on Basics to know before practising DSA in Java


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

8 Lectures
  • play icon Time and Space complexity 18:23 18:23
  • play icon What is Array and how we work with Arrays 06:21 06:21
  • play icon Handling Strings in Java 07:58 07:58
  • play icon List 08:01 08:01
  • play icon Set and it's types 06:54 06:54
  • play icon Map 08:08 08:08
  • play icon Stack and it's uses 10:28 10:28
  • play icon Queue 07:47 07:47

Instructor Details

Monish Njs

Monish Njs

I am a Senior Software Engineer in PayPal. I enjoy coding, especially solving problems on Leetcode. I want to share what I know by creating a course, and I'm excited to present my course on Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. I've put a lot of effort into making my courses easy to understand, explaining concepts in the simplest way I can.

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