Bare Metal Cloud Storage Management via Portal and API

In recent years, bare metal cloud storage has become an increasingly popular choice for businesses of all sizes. This type of cloud storage offers a number of benefits, including increased security, scalability, and flexibility. However, managing bare metal cloud storage can be a complex task, especially for businesses with limited technical expertise. In this article, we'll explore how bare metal cloud storage can be managed via portal and API, and we'll provide examples of how this approach can be used to improve storage management.

What is Bare Metal Cloud Storage?

Bare metal cloud storage refers to a type of cloud storage that uses physical servers rather than virtual machines to store data. These servers are typically housed in data centers operated by cloud storage providers, and they are accessed over internet. Bare metal cloud storage is often used by businesses that require high levels of performance and security, as it offers greater control over hardware and software configurations compared to traditional virtualized cloud storage.

What is a Portal?

A portal is a web-based interface that allows users to interact with a system or application. In context of bare metal cloud storage, a portal can be used to manage and monitor storage resources, configure servers, and perform other administrative tasks. Portals are typically designed to be user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to quickly and easily access features they need.

What is an API?

An API, or application programming interface, is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate with each other. APIs are commonly used in cloud computing to enable applications to interact with cloud storage resources. APIs can be used to automate tasks, integrate different systems, and extract data from cloud storage resources.

Bare Metal Cloud Storage Management via Portal

Managing bare metal cloud storage via portal involves using a web-based interface to access storage resources and perform administrative tasks. Portals typically offer a range of features, including −

  • Server provisioning − ability to provision bare metal servers with specific hardware configurations, operating systems, and applications.

  • Storage management − ability to create and manage storage volumes, allocate storage resources to servers, and monitor storage usage.

  • Network management − ability to configure network settings, such as IP addresses, subnets, and security groups.

  • Monitoring and reporting − ability to monitor server and storage performance, track resource usage, and generate reports.

By using a portal to manage bare metal cloud storage, businesses can streamline administrative tasks and improve efficiency. For example, a business could use a portal to quickly provision new servers with necessary software and storage resources, without having to manually configure each server individually.

Bare Metal Cloud Storage Management via API

Managing bare metal cloud storage via API involves using software applications to interact with storage resources and perform administrative tasks. APIs provide a range of benefits, including −

  • Automation − APIs can be used to automate repetitive tasks, such as server provisioning and storage allocation.

  • Integration − APIs can be used to integrate different systems, such as cloud storage and on-premises infrastructure.

  • Customization − APIs can be used to create custom scripts and applications that interact with storage resources in a specific way.

To use an API to manage bare metal cloud storage, businesses typically need to develop custom software applications or scripts that interact with API. For example, a business could develop an application that automatically provisions new servers with specific hardware configurations and storage resources based on user inputs.

Examples of Bare Metal Cloud Storage Management

Here are some examples of how bare metal cloud storage management via portal and API can be used in different industries −


A large e-commerce retailer could use a portal to quickly provision new servers during peak shopping periods, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday. retailer could also use APIs to automatically allocate storage resources based on customer demand and to generate reports on server and storage usage.


A healthcare organization could use a portal to configure and manage storage resources for electronic health records (EHRs) and other sensitive data. organization could also use APIs to integrate EHRs with other systems, such as medical imaging and laboratory systems.


A gaming company could use a portal to provision and manage servers for online gaming platforms. company could also use APIs to automate game deployment and updates, and to monitor server performance during peak gaming periods.

Financial services

A financial services company could use a portal to configure and manage storage resources for financial data, such as customer account information and transaction records. company could also use APIs to integrate financial data with other systems, such as risk management and compliance systems.

Overall, use of portals and APIs for bare metal cloud storage management provides businesses with greater flexibility and control over their storage resources. Portals provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for managing storage resources, while APIs provide automation, integration, and customization capabilities. By leveraging benefits of both portals and APIs, businesses can optimize their storage management and improve their overall IT infrastructure.

It's important to note that while portals and APIs can simplify storage management, they do require some level of technical expertise to use effectively. Businesses should consider investing in training or hiring IT professionals with necessary skills to manage bare metal cloud storage via portals and APIs. Additionally, businesses should carefully evaluate their storage needs and choose a bare metal cloud storage provider that offers robust portal and API capabilities that meet their specific requirements.


Bare metal cloud storage provides businesses with a flexible and scalable storage solution that offers greater control over hardware and software configurations compared to virtualized cloud storage. Managing bare metal cloud storage can be a complex task, but using a portal or API can simplify administrative tasks and improve efficiency. By using a portal or API to manage bare metal cloud storage, businesses can provision servers and allocate storage resources quickly and efficiently, automate repetitive tasks, integrate different systems, and customize storage management according to specific business needs. With increasing adoption of cloud computing, use of portals and APIs for bare metal cloud storage management is likely to become more widespread in years to come.

Updated on: 31-Mar-2023


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