Bandwidth – A Network Bandwidth Utilization Tool for Linux

Bandwidth is a crucial factor when it comes to network utilization. It determines amount of data that can be transmitted through a network connection in a given time frame. Linux provides a range of network tools to monitor and manage bandwidth utilization. Among these tools, Bandwidth is a reliable and versatile command-line utility that helps users to monitor and analyze network bandwidth usage on Linux systems.

In this article, we will explore Bandwidth tool, its features, installation process, and usage. We will also discuss some practical examples of using Bandwidth to manage and optimize network bandwidth utilization.

What is Bandwidth?

Bandwidth is a Linux command-line utility that provides real-time network bandwidth monitoring and analysis. It shows amount of data transmitted and received by network interfaces, such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Bandwidth supports multiple network protocols, including TCP, UDP, and ICMP.

Bandwidth is based on libpcap library, which enables it to capture and analyze network packets. It uses a simple and intuitive syntax that makes it easy to use, even for beginners. Bandwidth is a powerful tool for network administrators, system engineers, and anyone who needs to manage and optimize network bandwidth usage.

Installation of Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a part of Ubuntu and Debian package repositories. To install Bandwidth, open terminal and type following command −

sudo apt-get install bandwidth

For other Linux distributions, you can download source code from official website and compile it manually. Bandwidth is compatible with most Linux distributions, including CentOS, Fedora, and OpenSUSE.

Usage of Bandwidth

Bandwidth provides several options and parameters that enable users to customize its functionality according to their needs. Here are some of most commonly used commands and options −

bandwidth [options] [filter]

The filter parameter specifies network interface or IP address to monitor. If you do not specify a filter, Bandwidth will monitor all network interfaces.

The options parameter specifies options and parameters to customize Bandwidth's behavior. Here are some of most commonly used options −

  • -h or --help − Displays help menu and usage instructions.

  • -d or --duration − Specifies duration of monitoring period in seconds. default duration is 10 seconds.

  • -i or --interval − Specifies interval between each measurement in seconds. default interval is 1 second.

  • -n or --number − Specifies number of measurements to perform. default number is unlimited.

  • -r or --rate − Specifies measurement rate in packets per second. default rate is 1000 packets per second.

  • -t or --type − Specifies type of network protocol to monitor, such as TCP, UDP, or ICMP. default type is all protocols.

Examples of Bandwidth Usage

Here are some practical examples of using Bandwidth to monitor and manage network bandwidth utilization −

Monitor bandwidth usage of a specific network interface

To monitor bandwidth usage of a specific network interface, such as eth0, type following command −

bandwidth eth0

This command will display real-time bandwidth usage of eth0 interface.

Monitor bandwidth usage of a specific IP address

To monitor bandwidth usage of a specific IP address, such as, type following command −

bandwidth host

This command will display real-time bandwidth usage of host with IP address

Monitor bandwidth usage of a specific network protocol

To monitor bandwidth usage of a specific network protocol, such as TCP, type following command −

bandwidth -t tcp

This command will display real-time bandwidth usage of all TCP connections on system.

Monitor bandwidth usage for a specific duration

To monitor bandwidth usage for a specific duration, such as 30 seconds, type following command −

bandwidth -d 30

This command will display real-time bandwidth usage for 30 seconds and then stop.

Monitor bandwidth usage with a specific measurement rate

To monitor bandwidth usage with a specific measurement rate, such as 500 packets per second, type following command −

bandwidth -r 500

This command will display real-time bandwidth usage with a measurement rate of 500 packets per second.

Monitor bandwidth usage with a specific interval

To monitor bandwidth usage with a specific interval, such as 5 seconds, type following command −

bandwidth -i 5

This command will display real-time bandwidth usage every 5 seconds.

Bandwidth can also be used to monitor bandwidth usage of specific processes or applications. This can be useful in identifying which processes or applications are consuming most network bandwidth and optimizing their usage. You can use "-p" option to specify process ID (PID) of process or name of application to monitor. For example, following command will monitor network bandwidth usage of Firefox web browser −

bmon -p firefox

This command will display real-time graph of network bandwidth usage for Firefox process.

Furthermore, Bandwidth can also be used in conjunction with other network monitoring tools, such as Wireshark, to provide a comprehensive view of network traffic. Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer that captures and analyzes network traffic in real-time. By using Bandwidth and Wireshark together, you can not only monitor bandwidth utilization of network, but also analyze network traffic for potential security threats or performance issues.

Overall, Bandwidth is a versatile tool for monitoring network bandwidth utilization on Linux-based systems. Its ease of use and real-time statistics make it an essential tool for any network administrator. Whether you are monitoring bandwidth usage of a server, troubleshooting network issues, or testing network performance, Bandwidth provides a comprehensive view of network traffic and helps ensure optimal performance.


In conclusion, Bandwidth is a powerful and versatile network bandwidth utilization tool for Linux. It provides real-time network bandwidth monitoring and analysis and supports multiple network protocols. Bandwidth is easy to install and use and provides several options and parameters to customize its functionality. It is an essential tool for network administrators, system engineers, and anyone who needs to manage and optimize network bandwidth usage.

Updated on: 31-Mar-2023


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