Balancing Hard and Soft Skills: Skill for Project Manager

Project management is difficult because every project has different factors that must be addressed in a specific way. One important trait of a successful project manager is the ability to blend a wide range of skills and abilities, which are sometimes measurable and observable—and others are subtle and difficult to define. So, the best thing you can do is figure out what made those individuals successful. To start with, consider what makes these projects fail.

Important Skill for Project Manager: Understanding the Failures

  • Lacking sufficient charter

  • Uncertain of what requires a team effort

  • Uncertain of what will be most effective

  • Lacking of resources

  • Unprepared for any possible conflict

  • Not focused on creativity or excellence

As we examined the reasons for a project manager's skill set, it becomes clear that two main qualities help prevent failure: hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills are the most important quality, but the trick is to have both. Some project managers are skilled in one area, while they struggle with another, but a balance of hard and soft skills gets them back on track. This creates the perfect formula for team harmony and progress.

Soft Skills

Soft skills are intangible interpersonal skills that are difficult to teach. Some common examples of soft skills are being insightful, organized, influencing, articulate, and pragmatic. Successful project manager spends 85% of their time communicating. It's a particular skill that some people find naturally, while others have to struggle to improve themselves and develop more effective ways to communicate.

Examples of Soft Skills

Here are some examples of soft skills in the corporate world that you can follow.

Time management

Employers in every industry look for staff who can work efficiently and effectively. This means maximizing the time they spend on their work while minimizing the time they spend doing anything outside of it.


This is the fundamental difference between top employers and others. The best employers hire leaders who can exercise care in their ability to listen, respond, and lead in a way that creates a strong customer experience.


If you want to work in a thriving environment, you need to be flexible and adaptable.

Problem-solving skills

One of the main factors that hiring managers look for in potential employees is their ability to solve problems quickly and innovatively.


In an organization, coordinating and maintaining a cordial relationship with your teammates plays a vital role. As a techie, you'll want to convey the value of your teamwork skills to get hired.


No two days are the same in any workplace. We also go a little wild and bring out-of-the-box ideas to carry out tasks and difficult work situations.


Leadership is an important value to measure in any interview. It's the ability to mentor, train and guide others by example. If you're considering a career change or just want to update your credentials, this is the resume goal for you.

Interpersonal skills

Exceptional interpersonal skills aren't about how well you interact with others. Rather, it's about how well you care for relationships and make a positive impression on those around you.

Work ethics

Work ethic is a skill that everyone will appreciate. Regardless of the type of work you're applying for, employers in literally every job will value it.


Employers rely on detailed and accurate work to measure the dedication of their employees. Dedicated employees are often the ones who put in more hours and extra effort. Working overtime, paying attention to even minor details, and understanding that every project is important to the company are what sets them apart from those who just want to get a job done and go home.

Hard Skills

Whether your company is a startup or a large corporation, hard skills are the barometer by which progress is measured. Without accurate data, there would be nothing to report and nothing to communicate. These concrete and observable skills are what we use for budgets, evaluations, risk management, timelines, variance analytics, and project planning.

Examples of Hard Skills

Here are some skills that anyone can learn and apply to a career in any field.

Technical skills

For digital product development, you can consider web development (HTML, C++, Javascript), STEM skills, automated billing systems, prototyping, CRM platforms, and payment processing.

Analytical skills

Research, forecasting, data representation, data engineering, and reporting are just some of the work that's involved in analytics.

Marketing skills

Search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay-per-click advertising, email marketing, writing, and the website design are skills that you must learn.

Management skills

A business strategy, financial modelling, project management, budgeting, performance tracking, office negotiating, management, logistics and so much more.

Language skills

Proposal writing, journalism, email writing, storytelling, academic writing, content management, business writing reports, etc are also some language skills that you must know.

How Can You Put These Hard Skills to Use?

  • Look for the keywords in the job description that best describe the skill you need.

  • Take a look at the list and select items that you then can publish.

  • Highlight these strengths in your resume and make it the best it can be.

Project Success

Project managers have more difficulty in one skill set than the other. Some leaders excel at making budgets and ensuring projects follow a concrete timeline, whereas other project leaders are skilled communicators that can motivate and influence an entire team with a few words. But without a combination of these two skills, a project has no chance of success. This balancing act starts by improving soft skills; some people may need help with this transition.

Tips to Enhance Your Soft Skills

A study revealed that HR managers believe skills such as technical or hard skills are easier to teach than soft ones, but there are ways to improve them.

If you want to improve in a skill, take the commitment seriously. Spend time with those who have those skills, watch them in action, and visualize yourself doing what they do. Engage in situations where you can practice even if it's just in a small way. Make adjustments when necessary and review your progress periodically.

Because project managers are motivated by things like compensation, perks, and recognition, they're often able to improve their soft skills. By utilizing hard skills like prioritizing and analyzing the conversation in your favor you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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