AWS Aurora: Architecture, Pricing, MySQL, and PostgreSQL Compatibility

Companies may manage their data effectively and enhance the client experience with the help of Amazon's Web Services. Using the clustered volume technique, AWS Aurora controls the data in its database and designates it for crisis backup. Like Amazon Aurora, MySQL and PostgreSQL are open-source databases. Its features enhance critical areas, including durability, protection, mobility, cost, and so on. It is less maintenance-intensive and faster than MySQL and PostgreSQL.

What is AWS Aurora?

A database solution called Amazon Aurora generates columns from structured inputs. Additionally, it facilitates the user's job by organizing and accelerating the collection of data for the database. Its extensive usage depends on the fact that Amazon Aurora supports the versions of PostgreSQL and My SQL. Additionally, it provides customers with four times the performance of PostgreSQL and five times the execution of MySQL, which is quite advantageous.

AWS Aurora Architecture

The conventional DBMS serves as the foundation for Aurora Database. The majority of the standard DBMS's parts, including the Query Execution Engine, Transaction Manager, and Recovery Manager, are reused. However, it adds several adjustments to the conventional DBMS to enhance its scalability, availability, and reliability.

Aurora started by storing the data remotely rather than on the local disk. Aurora Database enhances the Disk Manager to work with remote storage, as seen in the image below. Aurora Database repeats the data to increase dependability. The data is typically replicated six times across three different data centers. With these many replications, it is extremely unlikely that user data will be lost. Aurora Database manages one copy of the data using a single virtual server (Amazon EC2). The EC2 instance's local disk is where the data is kept. Aurora Database manages the replicated data using 6 EC2s spread over 3 data centers in our instance.

Aurora Database goes one step further to improve the system's efficiency. Only the changelog is saved to the remote storage. Aurora Database only stores the changelog to 6 EC2 instances in our write example. When an EC2 instance gets a request to persist a changelog, it first saves it to the changelog on disk, as illustrated in the picture below. The changelog is then applied to the pages. This can significantly reduce network bandwidth use.

AWS Aurora Pricing

Costing $0.12 every ACU-hour, Aurora ACUs are twice as expensive as provided Aurora ACUs. This implies −

  • 4 ACUs are required for the minimal current running cost − $350 monthly or $0.48 per hour

  • The minimal scalability increment is 30 seconds of runtime for a half-ACU, or $0.0005 (which indicates that the worst-case cost for workloads that pathologically activate the auto-scaling mechanism is $500 per million transactions).

Thus, the basic monthly price for Aurora Serverless V2 is $350. Every auto-scale event will be priced at least $0.0005. Although provisioned Aurora has the same capacity, it costs $175 per month without the flexible serverless auto-scaling.

AWS will probably gradually lower the minimum running cost, but because of the cold start issues with the process-based design, they are unable to eliminate it. Even with supplied mode's minimal capacity of two ACUs, the monthly cost would be $175. Additionally, this price excludes a variety of items, such as bandwidth, read replica processes, multi-region replication, main and backup storage, and read replica operations.

Pricing for On-Demand Instances

The fact that the Aurora program just requires you to pay for the capacity that is being utilized and does not require you to hunt for long-term plans or yearly billing is arguably its strongest feature. This is incredibly helpful if you need Aurora for a quick project or test, so only pay for what you require. Pricing is based on the per DB instance hour utilized until the instance is terminated or stopped.

MySQL Compatibility

MySQL Versions are compatible with Amazon Aurora and guarantee first-rate services, including MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7. MyISAM is incompatible with Aurora, which only supports the InnoDB storage engine. Therefore, you must move your data to InnoDB if it is currently stored in MyISAM. Scalability and High Performance, Higher than MySQL by up to 5 times, Backtrack (which makes data backup quick and easy), Storage Auto-Scaling, Managed, Monitoring, Automatic Software Update, Migration Support, and Cost-Effective (pay per use).

PostgreSQL Compatibility

Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL is compatible with versions 9.6 and 10 of PostgreSQL. Since it improves database performance effectiveness, fixing PostgreSQL with Aurora is extremely adaptive.

The Amazon Relational Database Service gateway was used to launch the Aurora system, which is PostgreSQL compatible. Amazon Aurora is the system, with PostgreSQL as the version. High performance and scalability, three times PostgreSQL's performance, Backtrack (which speeds up data backup), storage auto-scaling, highly secure, managed, monitoring, automatic software update, automatic, automatic software, migration support, and cost-effectiveness (pay per use) are all features of this database (as your storage demands rise, Amazon Aurora automatically expands the size of your database volume).


Standard actions like changing the underlying database version in Aurora still need user management, resulting in erratic write availability. It also takes time to fail the primary procedure. Not just logical data contention but also process proximity with other queries affects noisy neighbor issues. The managed cloud experience makes worrying about threads, and buffer pool hit rate, cold start time, and connection management feel uncomfortably familiar. Finally, the application must still consistently address its issues and ensure that it communicates with main or secondary processes as necessary.

Updated on: 16-Dec-2022


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