Auto Logout in Linux Shell Using TMOUT Shell Variable


When using a Linux shell, it's essential to ensure that user is logged out when they are not actively using system to ensure security and efficiency. This can be achieved by setting an automatic logout timer using TMOUT shell variable. In this article, we will explore how to set up auto logout in Linux shell using TMOUT shell variable, its benefits, and how to modify settings.

What is TMOUT Shell Variable?

TMOUT is an environment variable in Linux shell that defines number of seconds a shell session can be idle before it is automatically logged out. When this variable is set, shell will terminate session if there is no input activity for set time. This feature ensures that system is secure and that users do not waste system resources by staying logged in when they are not using system.

How to Set up Auto Logout in Linux Shell Using TMOUT Shell Variable −

Setting up TMOUT shell variable is a simple process that requires modifying user's shell configuration file. In most Linux distributions, this file is either ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile. To set up auto logout in Linux shell using TMOUT shell variable, follow these steps −

Open your shell configuration file using a text editor −

$ nano ~/.bashrc

Add following line to file to set TMOUT variable to desired value (in seconds) −


In this example, TMOUT variable is set to 600 seconds, which means that shell session will be automatically terminated after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Save changes to file and exit text editor.

To apply changes, source shell configuration file −

$ source ~/.bashrc

After completing these steps, TMOUT shell variable will be active, and shell will automatically log out user after specified period of inactivity.

Benefits of Auto Logout Using TMOUT Shell Variable

There are several benefits of using TMOUT shell variable to set up an automatic logout timer in Linux shell −

Enhanced Security

An idle shell session is a security risk as it can be hijacked by malicious users. By setting up TMOUT variable, you can ensure that your system remains secure by automatically logging out idle users.

Resource Optimization

When users remain logged in without actively using system, system resources are wasted. auto logout feature ensures that resources are optimized by freeing up system resources when users are not using system.

Increased Productivity

When users are automatically logged out after a period of inactivity, they are forced to re-enter their credentials to log back in. This process serves as a reminder that they are taking up system resources and encourages them to use system efficiently, leading to increased productivity.

Modifying TMOUT Shell Variable Settings

Once TMOUT shell variable is set up, it's possible to modify its settings to meet your specific needs. To modify settings, follow these steps −

Open your shell configuration file using a text editor −

$ nano ~/.bashrc

Modify value of TMOUT variable to desired value (in seconds).


In this example, TMOUT variable is set to 1200 seconds, which means that shell session will be automatically terminated after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Save changes to file and exit text editor.

To apply changes, source shell configuration file −

$ source ~/.bashrc

After completing these steps, new TMOUT value will be active, and shell will automatically log out user after new specified period of inactivity.

It's important to note that modifying TMOUT shell variable settings will affect all users who use same shell configuration file. Therefore, it's essential to communicate any changes to all users to avoid confusion and frustration.

Disabling TMOUT Shell Variable

If you no longer need TMOUT shell variable, you can disable it by removing it from your shell configuration file. To do this, follow these steps −

Open your shell configuration file using a text editor −

$ nano ~/.bashrc

Find line that sets TMOUT variable and remove it.

Save changes to file and exit text editor.

To apply changes, source shell configuration file −

$ source ~/.bashrc

After completing these steps, TMOUT shell variable will be disabled, and shell will no longer automatically log out users after a period of inactivity.

Another important consideration when using TMOUT shell variable is that it can potentially cause data loss or disruption for users who are working on a task that takes longer than set time limit. For example, if a user is in middle of editing a large file and session times out, they may lose unsaved changes.

To mitigate this risk, it's a good idea to provide users with a way to disable or adjust TMOUT variable on a per-session basis. One way to do this is to provide a command that users can run to temporarily disable variable or set a longer time limit for their current session. For example, you could create an alias for command export TMOUT=0 that sets variable to zero and disables automatic logout.

It's also important to communicate clearly with your users about automatic logout policy and reasons for implementing it. Make sure that users are aware of time limit and any potential risks associated with policy, and provide them with guidance on how to work within limits of policy.

In addition, you may want to consider logging user sessions to help track and monitor user activity. This can help you identify potential security issues or violations of your security policies, and provide you with a record of user activity that can be useful for auditing and analysis.

Overall, TMOUT shell variable is a valuable tool for enforcing automatic logout policies in Linux environments. However, it's important to use variable judiciously and in combination with other security measures to ensure overall security and integrity of your system. By doing so, you can help protect your system from unauthorized access and mitigate risk of data loss or disruption for your users.


In conclusion, TMOUT shell variable is an essential feature that can enhance security, efficiency, and productivity of a Linux shell. By automatically logging out idle users, system remains secure, system resources are optimized, and productivity is increased. Setting up TMOUT shell variable is a simple process that requires modifying user's shell configuration file. It's also possible to modify settings and disable feature altogether. It's crucial to communicate any changes made to TMOUT shell variable settings to all users to avoid confusion and frustration.

Updated on: 31-Mar-2023

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