Vineet Nanda has Published 788 Articles

Project Management Life Cycle Phases

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 02-Dec-2021 06:04:45

3K+ Views

What is a Project Management Life Cycle?The Project Management Life Cycle is a set of tasks that must be completed in order for a project's goals or targets to be met. It's a structure that outlines the steps involved in turning an idea into a reality. Projects may have various ... Read More

What is a Grey Box Testing?

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:56:36


Greybox testing (GBT) is a software testing method that includes judging a software program based on a limited understanding of its core functions. It is a combination of the two since it offers access to internal coding to construct test cases as white box testing and testing techniques are performed ... Read More

What is Front-end Testing? Tools & Frameworks

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:53:54


Front-end TestingFront end testing is an approach or a technique in which we test the GUI (graphical user interface), functionalities and usage of a web application or a software. The aim of performing front end testing is to test all the functionalities in order to ensure that the presentation layer ... Read More

What is Configuration Testing? Example Test Cases

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:27:54

2K+ Views

Configuration TestingConfiguration testing is a software testing approach in which a software application is tested with a variety of software and hardware combinations in order to analyze functional requirements and determine the best configurations in which the software application operates without errors or flaws.Configuration testing, as previously stated, is a ... Read More

Test Case vs Test Scenario – What’s the Difference?

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:18:12

5K+ Views

What does the Test Case entail?A test case is a set of criteria that a tester uses to verify whether or not a software application is meeting the customer's requirements.Preconditions, case name, input conditions, and intended outcome are all included in the test case design. A test case is a ... Read More

Software Testing Techniques with Test Case Design Examples

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 02-Dec-2021 05:12:52


What are the different types of software testing techniques?Software Testing Techniques assist you in creating more effective test cases. Manual Testing Techniques help reduce the number of test cases to be executed while increasing test coverage because exhaustive testing is not possible. They aid in the detection of test circumstances ... Read More

Software Testing Methodologies – Learn QA Models

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 01-Dec-2021 06:40:20


What is Software Testing Methodology?The tactics and testing kinds utilized to ensure that the Application Under Test satisfies customer requirements are referred to as software testing methodology. To validate the AUT, test methodologies include functional and non-functional testing. Unit testing, integration testing, system testing, performance testing, and other testing methodologies ... Read More

Severity & Priority in Testing – What’s the Difference?

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 01-Dec-2021 06:35:54

10K+ Views

The severity of the BugThe severity of the bug or the defect A problem or a Defect's severity in testing refers to how much of an impact it has on the software program under test. A higher severity rating indicates that the bug/defect has a greater impact on system functionality. ... Read More

Security System Development Life Cycle

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 01-Dec-2021 06:30:35

6K+ Views

The Security System Development Life Cycle (SecSDLC) is a series of activities that are carried out in a certain order throughout the software development process (SDLC). It is created in such a manner that it can assist developers in creating software and apps in such a way that security risks ... Read More

Manual Testing Tutorial for Beginners (Concepts, Types, Tool)

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 01-Dec-2021 05:45:09

3K+ Views

Manual TestingManual testing is a sort of software testing wherein test cases are personally run by a tester instead of utilizing automated technologies. The goal of manual testing is to find errors, faults, and flaws in a software product. Manual software testing is by far the most basic of all ... Read More
