Vineet Nanda has Published 788 Articles

Difference between Vendor and Subcontractor

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:54:52

3K+ Views

Customers and vendors are the two most vital members of every company's extended stakeholder community. Corporations rely heavily on their many suppliers because they enable the creation of reliable supply networks. Suppliers come in many forms, but two common ones are vendors and subcontractors. Though both may be categorized as ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Manufacturer

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:53:02

1K+ Views

The production of a good or the provision of service requires the participation of a number of different stakeholders. These individuals are responsible for ensuring that the processes of production and delivery to the end user go without a hitch. Those who provide the raw ingredients, those who produce the ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Distributor

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:50:32


A company's overall performance is influenced by its supply chain. Therefore, it is crucial to establish a productive supply chain that serves the needs of both producers and consumers. Long and intricate as they may be, supply networks may be made efficient via the integration of people, processes, and technology ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Dealer

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:48:34

1K+ Views

The supply chain is an interconnected system comprising a company's internal departments, external partners, and the products and services they provide. For one thing, a company can't thrive unless its products and services are in demand, and that demand comes from satisfied customers. Effective supply chain management not only helps ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Customer

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:46:54

2K+ Views

Supply chain management, or the coordination of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, is a crucial aspect of every business. The ultimate beneficiary of these goods and services is the consumer. This is because it entails a constant flow of capital, information, and products among a large ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Customer in QuickBooks

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:44:43

1K+ Views

Handling and reporting financial transactions is a crucial part of every company. Different applications, together known as application software, are used to process and record transactions to make the process more manageable. The general ledger, payroll, accounts receivable, and accounts payable are just a handful of the elements that may ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Contractor

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:42:00

4K+ Views

There are many different people/organizations involved in the success of a working firm. These organizations or individuals supply a company with a comprehensive range of resources, including financial assistance, the provision of goods and services, the recruitment and employment of personnel- even advisory services. Vendors and contractors are two common ... Read More

Difference between Vendor and Client

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:39:21

2K+ Views

The supply chain is made up of many working components, including different types of entities, people, technologies, processes, and resources. Everyone involved in the production and distribution of products or services has the responsibility for ensuring their smooth operation. Suppliers, producers, vendors, consumers, manufacturers, and dealers are all part of ... Read More

Difference between Unity of Command and Unity of Direction

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:37:03

4K+ Views

The French mining engineer and businessman Henri Fayol is credited with developing a set of 14 management principles designed to improve the effectiveness of management at all levels of a company. He spent a lot of time thinking about and talking about different management techniques. After extensive research, Fayol concluded ... Read More

Difference between Unimodal and Bimodal Distribution

Vineet Nanda

Vineet Nanda

Updated on 16-Dec-2022 16:34:32

2K+ Views

Our lives are filled with random factors that can significantly impact any given situation at any given time. The vast majority of scientific fields rely heavily on these random variables, notably in management and the social sciences, although chemistry, engineering, and physics all benefit greatly. Probabilistic and statistical qualities, including ... Read More
