Vaibhav Ahire has Published 121 Articles

How to read a text file from the SD card in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:15:04


Introduction Many times in android applications we have to download a specific file and we store that file in our device's external storage. Sometimes we have to access these files fromour devices external storage and display the content from these files within our android application. In this article we will ... Read More

How to play sound even when an Android phone is in silent mode ?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:13:35

2K+ Views

Introduction Many times in android applications we come across a scenario where we have to play a notification sound to be played in the user's mobile device even when the device is in silent mode. In this article we will take a look at How to play a sound even ... Read More

How to hook a function into the Power Button in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 14:11:13

1K+ Views

Introduction Android phones are designed with a wide range of features and capabilities, including a Power button that allows users to turn the device on and off. While the basic function of the Power button is to turn the device on and off, Android developers can actually use the button ... Read More

How to enable/disable log levels in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:56:45

4K+ Views

Introduction There are many softwares present in the market which are used for developing mobile applications such as VS Code, Intellij IDE, Android Studio and many more. Android Studio is an official integrated development environment (IDE) designed to help developers create and develop apps for the Android platform. It is ... Read More

How to decompile Android DEX (VM bytecode) files into corresponding Java source code?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:55:06

1K+ Views

Introduction Android platform uses a virtual machine which is known as Dalvik VM which is used to execute the android application code. Dalvik VM executes the code in a format called DEX (Dalvik Executable). DEX files are the compiled version of Android application code written in Java. DEX files are ... Read More

How to clear the back stack in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:54:06

3K+ Views

Introduction Many times in android applications we use to display so many different types of activities. These activities are used in android applications for performing the different tasks. When we are navigating from one activity to another activity, the previous activity from which we have navigated remains in the stack, ... Read More

How to change theme for AlertDialog on Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:51:50

4K+ Views

What is Alert Dialog in Android? Alert dialogs in android are used to display alerts within android applications. We can display alert dialog within our application to display any warning message to the user. Inside the alert dialog we can provide two options to the users whether to select as ... Read More

How to change progress bar progress color in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:49:59

4K+ Views

What is the Progress Bar in Android? Progress Bar is a widget in android which is used to indicate the loading screen within an android application. It is generally displayed when the data is being loaded within an android application from a server. In this article we will take a ... Read More

How to capture virtual keyboard show/hide events in Android ?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:48:27

1K+ Views

Introduction Many times in android applications a keyboard has popped when the user clicks on any text input field. In some cases we have to restrict users to enter the data into the text input field via a menu. In that case we have to hide the keyboard for that ... Read More

How to add a Library Project to an Android Project?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 30-Mar-2023 13:46:43


Introduction Many times while building an android application we use open source libraries which are present on github to add certain functionalities within our application. These libraries can be added in our project by simply specifying the dependency and then we can the functionalities of that library within our application. ... Read More

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