Vaibhav Ahire has Published 121 Articles

How to implement document scanning functionality in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 16:44:04

1K+ Views

Introduction In many android applications we can get to see that document scanner functionality is present in it in which the application takes the photo of the document and crops the image of that document from all sides based on the requirement and displays that document in the form of ... Read More

How to define a GUI layout using XML files in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 16:42:29


Introduction GUI (Graphical User Interface) of any android application lets users interact with the various functionalities of android applications. The GUI is the main part of the application which is visible to the user. GUI of any android applications can be designed in several different ways such as using XML, ... Read More

How to create a custom shaped bitmap marker with Android maps API?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 16:40:32


Introduction Many android applications nowadays use Google Maps within it to display the map to the users. For example we use many food delivery applications in which we can get to see our order status along with the location of the delivery boy on Google Maps. We can get to ... Read More

How to close an Android application gracefully?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 16:32:05


Introduction In many android applications we can see that when the application is being closed an animation is added to it which will close the application by displaying a closing animation to it. This will make the application user interface better. In this article we will take a look on ... Read More

How to check programmatically if an application is installed or not in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 16:27:13

3K+ Views

Introduction Many times in android applications we have to take help of some other applications from our application. We have to open another application from our application. For example if we want to open a Google map from our application to show the route between two locations. Before opening the ... Read More

How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 15:41:46


Introduction Async Task is a class in android which is being used to perform some background long running tasks such as loading the images from the internet in background. If the image is huge in size then we can load that image from the internet as a background task using ... Read More

How can I record a Video in my Android app?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 15:39:49

3K+ Views

Introduction Video Recording is a most common feature which we can currently get to see in many android applications. This feature is mostly seen used in payments applications where the application has to verify the identity of the user for authentication as well as doing their KYC. In this article ... Read More

How can I read SMS messages from the device programmatically in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 15:36:02

4K+ Views

Introduction Many times in android applications we get to see that the app reads sms from the users mobile device and displays that within the application. Such as when we are creating an sms application we display the sms from users mobile device within our application. In this article we ... Read More

How can I do something like a FlowLayout in Android?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 15:31:15


Many times in android applications we have to explain to the user about the step by step guide for performing a certain task within an application such as How to book a service which is being provided within our application. For that we have to display a detailed guide on ... Read More

How can I check if the Android phone is in Landscape or Portrait?

Vaibhav Ahire

Vaibhav Ahire

Updated on 08-May-2023 15:27:34

1K+ Views

Introduction Many times while launching a specific screen for an android application, we have to check the orientation of the device whether the device is in portrait mode or a landscape mode. In this article we will take a look at How we can check if the Android phone ... Read More
