Urmila Samariya has Published 141 Articles

How to get an affine transformation matrix in PHP using imageaffinematrixget()?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:59:29


imageaffinematrixget() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to get an affine transformation matrix. This function is often used in linear algebra and computer graphics.Syntaxarray imageaffinematrixget(int $type, mixed $options)Parametersimageaffinematrixget() accepts only two parameters: $type and $options.$type − The $type parameter specifies the integer to IMG_AFFINE constants.IMG_AFFINE_TRANSLATEIMG_AFFINE_SCALEIMG_AFFINE_ROTATEIMG_AFFINE_SHEAR_HORIZONTALIMG_AFFINE_SHEAR_VERTICAL$options − If ... Read More

How to check antialias functions be used or not by using imageantialias() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:56:12


imageantialias() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to check whether antialias function is used or not. It activates the fast drawing anti-aliased methods for lines and wired polygons. It works only with true-color images and it doesn't support alpha components.Syntaxbool imageantialias($image, $enabled)Parametersimageantialias() takes two parameters: $image and ... Read More

How to apply a 3×3 convolution matrix using imageconvolution() in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:52:32


imageconvolution() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to apply a 3×3 convolution matrix, using the coefficient and offset in the image.Syntaxbool imageconvolution ( $image, $matrix, $div, $offset)Parametersimageconvolution() takes four parameters: $image, $matrix, $div, and $offset.$image − This parameter is used to create the size of the image ... Read More

How to apply a gamma correction to a Graphics Draw (GD) image in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:48:58


imagegammacorrect() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to apply a gamma correction to a given Graphics Draw (GD) input image and an output gamma.Syntaxbool imagegammacorrect(resource $image, float $inputgamma, float $outputgamma)Parametersimagegammacorrect() takes three different parameters: $image, $inputgamma and $outputgamma.$image − Specifies the image to be worked.$inputgamma − Specifies ... Read More

How to enable or disable interlace using imageinterlace() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:44:39


imageinterlace() is an inbuilt PHP function that is used to enable or disable interlace in an image. It is a method of encoding a bitmap image such that a person who has partially received it sees a degraded copy of the entire image.Interlacing an image lets users see portions of ... Read More

How to set a single pixel using imagesetpixel() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:39:33


imagesetpixel() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to set a single pixel at the listed coordinate.Syntaxbool imagesetpixel(resource $image, int $x, int $y, int $color)Parametersimagesetpixel() accepts four parameters: $image, $x, $y and $color.$image − Specifies the image resource to work on.$x − Specifies the x-coordinate of the pixel.$y ... Read More

How to set the image thickness for line drawing using imgesetthickness() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:21:29


imagesetthickness() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to set the thickness for line drawing.Syntaxbool imagesetthickness($image, $thickness)Parametersimagesetthickness() accepts two parameters− $image and $thickness.$image − This parameter is returned by an image creation function such as imagecreatetruecolor(). It is used to create the size of an image.$thickness − This ... Read More

How to draw a string vertically using imagestringup() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:16:36


imagestringup() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to draw an image vertically.Syntaxbool imagestringup ($image, $font, $x, $y, $string, $color)Parametersimagestring() accepts six parameters: $image, $font, $x, $y, $string, and $color.$image − The $image parameter uses imagecreatetruecolor() function to create a blank image of given size.$font − The $font ... Read More

How to draw a text string image horizontally by using imagestring() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:13:31


imagestring() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to draw a string horizontally.Syntaxbool imagestring($image, $font, $x, $y, $string, $color)Parametersimagestring() accepts six different parameters − $image, $font, $x, $y, $string, and $color.$image − The $image parameter uses imagecreatetruecolor() function to create a blank image in the given size.$font − ... Read More

How to set the tile image for filling using imagesettile() function in PHP?

Urmila Samariya

Urmila Samariya

Updated on 09-Aug-2021 13:10:16


imagesettle() is an inbuilt function in PHP that is used to set the tile image for filling. It sets the image to be used by all-region filling functions like imagefill() and imagefilledpolygon() when filling with a special color IMG_COLOR_TILED.We can say that a tile is an image that is used ... Read More

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