Uday Mitra has Published 86 Articles

Best Roadmap for Ethical Hacking (Infographics)

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 23-Feb-2024 11:17:06


A Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), commonly called a "White Hat Hacker, " is a trained expert who identifies and repairs computer and network security flaws by employing the same techniques and tools used by hostile hackers. From the beginning of the internet, hackers have utilized their sophisticated tools to take ... Read More

Top-Notch Information Security Certification

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 24-May-2023 16:21:30


It takes both experience and certification to succeed in an IT security career. With the growing importance of information security, many companies now use security certifications as a prerequisite for employment. Of course, you can bootstrap your way into IT security, as everyone has to begin somewhere (as we wrote ... Read More

Reassessing the Concepts of Security Risk Management

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 24-May-2023 15:31:57


Application security refers to the precautions taken throughout an application's life cycle to protect against vulnerabilities that may arise due to flaws in the application's design, development, deployment, upgrade, or maintenance. These flaws can occur at any point in the application's life cycle, including design, development, deployment, upgrade, or maintenance. ... Read More

Difference Between COBIT and ITIL

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:26:28


It is common practice to consider ITIL first when discussing IT service management frameworks. There are, however, other significant frameworks besides ITIL. While the most well-known framework is the COBIT 5 methodology, several others have gained significant traction. Nonetheless, is it necessary to have more than one IT service management ... Read More

Types of Hackers

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:26:06


Hackers one should be aware of The moment we hear the word 'hacker, ' our imagination takes us to a dark room, the backside of a man wearing a black hoodie, surrounded by various computers, destroying someone's precious files. Still, there is more to what hackers are and what they ... Read More

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Certification

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:25:12


CISSP credential is managed by the International Information Systems Security Credential Consortium, also known as (ISC)2. The CISSP credential is a vendor-neutral standard that is recognized all over the world. This credential attests to the holder's technical knowledge and practical expertise in establishing and managing security programs. IT security professionals ... Read More

Cybersecurity Talent Shortage - Challenges and Opportunities

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:24:32


Nearly every part of our life now involves some sort of usage of a database that is part of a larger network, and we don't even realize it. Now more than ever, the internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, from booking flights and doctor's appointments to ... Read More

The Importance of User Authentication Methods in CyberSecurity

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:23:42

1K+ Views

If you ask any expert in cyber security, they will tell you that your system is only as safe as its weakest link. Nowadays, many employees have significant remote access to crucial systems, such as cloud application access, VPNs, and even ordinary office programs like email. Accessing these networks from ... Read More

Practical Tips for a Successful Cyber Security Career Today

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:23:01


Cybersecurity is a rapidly growing industry with more job openings than skilled workers. Between 2020 & 2030, the number of jobs in cybersecurity is expected to increase by 33%, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Due to the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 virus, this need has grown ... Read More

White Hat Hacker: The What, Why, and How

Uday Mitra

Uday Mitra

Updated on 05-May-2023 10:21:42


An ancient saying states, "It takes a thief to catch a thief." Someone familiar with the thief's methods, frame of mind, and routines have the best chance of apprehending him. Theft on the Internet is the next big thing. This becomes a scary prospect when you think about how our ... Read More

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