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The following table gives the distribution of students of two sections according to the marks obtained by them:

Represent the marks of the students of both the sections on the same graph by two frequency polygons. From the two polygons compare the performance of the two sections."



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:19


Given:The distribution of students of two sections according to the marks obtained by them is given.To do:We have to represent the marks of the students of both the sections on the same graph by two frequency polygons and from the two polygons compare the performance of the two sections.Solution:(i) We know ... Read More

The following table gives the life times of 400 neon lamps:

(i) Represent the given information with the help of a histogram.
(ii) How many lamps have a life time of more than 700 hours?"



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:17


Given:The life time(in hours) of 400 neon lamps is given.To do:We have to (i) Represent the given information with the help of a histogram.(ii) The number of lamps that have a life time of more than 700 hours.Solution:(i) The histogram to represent the given data is as follows:(ii) The number of lamps ... Read More

The length of 40 leaves of a plant are measured correct to one millimetre, and the obtained data is represented in the following table:

(i) Draw a histogram to represent the given data. [Hint: First make the class intervals continuous]
(ii) Is there any other suitable graphical representation for the same data?
(iii) Is it correct to conclude that the maximum number of leaves are \\( 153 \\mathrm{~mm} \\) long? Why?"



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:14


Given:The length of 40 leaves of a plant are measured correct to one millimetre, and the obtained data is represented in the given table.To do:We have to (i) Draw a histogram to represent the given data.(ii) Find whether there is any other suitable graphical representation for the same data.(iii) Find whether ... Read More

Given below are the seats won by different political parties in the polling outcome of a state assembly elections:

(i) Draw a bar graph to represent the polling results.
(ii) Which political party won the maximum number of seats?"



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:12


Given:The seats won by different political parties in the polling outcome of a state assembly elections is given.To do:We have to (i) Draw a bar graph to represent the polling results.(ii) find the political party that won the maximum number of seats.Solution:(i) The given information is represented graphically as below:(ii) From the bar ... Read More

The following data on the number of girls (to the nearest ten) per thousand boys in different sections of Indian society is given below.

(i) Represent the information above by a bar graph.
(ii) In the classroom discuss what conclusions can be arrived at from the graph."



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:09


Given:The number of girls (to the nearest ten) per thousand boys in different sections of Indian society is given.To do:We have to (i) Represent the information above by a bar graph.(ii) The conclusions that can be arrived at from the graphSolution:The given information is represented graphically as below:(ii) We can observe ... Read More

A survey conducted by an organisation for the cause of illness and death among the women between the ages \\( 15-44 \\) (in years) worldwide, found the following figures (in \\( \\% \\) ):

(i) Represent the information given above graphically.
(ii) Which condition is the major cause of women's ill health and death worldwide?
(iii) Try to find out



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:06


Given:A survey was conducted by an organisation for the cause of illness and death among women between the ages \( 15-44 \) (in years) worldwide.To do:We have to (i) represent the information given above graphically.(ii) find the condition that is the major cause of women's ill health and death worldwide.(iii) find ... Read More

A company manufactures car batteries of a particular type. The lives (in years) of 40 such batteries were recorded as follows:

Construct a grouped frequency distribution table for this data



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:05


Given:A company manufactures car batteries of a particular type. The lives (in years) of 40 such batteries were recorded.To do:We have to construct a grouped frequency distribution table for this data, using class intervals of size \( 0.5 \) starting from the interval \( 2-2.5 \).Solution:The grouped frequency distribution table ... Read More

The value of \\( \\pi \\) upto 50 decimal places is given below:
\\( 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 \\)
(i) Make a frequency distribution of the digits from 0 to 9 after the decimal point.
(ii) What are the most and the least frequently occurring digits?



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:04


Given:The value of \( \pi \) upto 50 decimal places is given.To do:We have to (i) Make a frequency distribution of the digits from 0 to 9 after the decimal point.(ii) Find the most and the least frequently occurring digits.Solution:(i) The frequency distribution of the digits from 0 to 9 after ... Read More

Three coins were tossed 30 times simultaneously. Each time the number of heads occurring was noted down as follows:

Prepare a frequency distribution table for the data given above."



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:03


Given:Three coins were tossed 30 times. Each time the number of heads occuring was noted down as follow:0 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 3 01 3 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 13 0 0 1 1 2 3 2 2 0To do:We have to prepare a frequency distribution table for the data given above. Solution:The required frequency distribution is: Number of headsTally marksFrequency0|||| |61|||| |||| 102|||| ||||93||||5Total30

A study was conducted to find out the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air in parts per million (ppm) of a certain city. The data obtained for 30 days is as follows:

(i) Make a grouped frequency distribution table for this data with class intervals as \\( 0.00-0.04



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:47:02


Given:A study was conducted to find out the concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air in parts per million (ppm) of a certain city. To do:We have to (i) Make a grouped frequency distribution table for this data with class intervals as \( 0.00-0.04, 0.04-0.08 \), and so on.(ii) Find the number ... Read More
