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In the figure, $l$ is the line of symmetry.
Complete the diagram to make it symmetric.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:37:03


Given:$l$ is the line of symmetry.To do:We have to complete the diagram to make it symmetric. Solution:Symmetry :When an image looks identical to the original image after the shape is turned or flipped, then it is called symmetry.The below figure is the complete diagram to make it symmetric. Read More

Copy the following on a squared paper. A square paper is what you would have used in your arithmetic notebook in earlier classes. Then complete them such that the dotted line is the line of symmetry.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:56


To do:We have to complete the figures in the squared paper such that the dotted line is the line of symmetry.Solution:Symmetry :When an image looks identical to the original image after the shape is turned or flipped, then it is called symmetry.Line of Symmetry is a line that divides the figure ... Read More

Identify the shapes given below. Check whether they are symmetric or not. Draw the line of symmetry as well.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:50


To do:We have to identify the shapes given in the figure, check whether they are symmetric or not and draw the line of symmetry as well.Solution:Symmetry :When an image looks identical to the original image after the shape is turned or flipped, then it is called symmetry.Line of Symmetry is a ... Read More

Pick out the solution from the values given in the bracket next to each equation. Show that the other values do not satisfy the equation.
(a) \\( 5 m=60 \\) \\( (10,5,12,15) \\)
(b) \\( n+12=20 \\) \\( (12,8,20,0) \\)
(c) \\( p-5=5 \\) \\( (0,10,5-5) \\)
(d) \\( \\frac{q}{2}=7 \\) \\( (7,2,10,14) \\)
(e) \\( r-4=0 \\) \\( (4,-4,8,0) \\)
(f) \\( x+4=2 \\) \\( (-2,0,2,4) \\)



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:49


To do:We have to pick out the solution from the values given in the bracket next to each equation. Solutions:(a) $5m = 60$If $m = 10$ then $5m=5(10)=50$$m=10$ is not a solution for the equation $5m = 60$ Therefore, the equation is not satisfied.If $m = 5$ then $5m=5(5)=25$$m=5$ is not a ... Read More

(a) Complete the table and by inspection of the table find the solution to the equation \\( m+10=16 \\)

(b) Complete the table and by inspection of the table



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:49


To do:We have to complete the tables and by inspection of the tables find the solutions to the equations.Solutions:(a) For $m + 10$, the table is represented as below:$m$$m+10$1$1+10=11$2$2+10=12$3$3+10=13$4$4+10=14$5$5+10=15$6$6+10=16$7$7+10=17$8$8+10=18$9$9+10=19$10$10+10=20$Therefore, from the table, The solution to the equation $m+10=16$ is $m=6$.(b) For $5t$, the table is represented as below:$t$$5t$3$5\times3=15$4$5\times4=20$5$5\times5=25$6$5\times6=30$7$5\times7=35$8$5\times8=40$9$5\times9=45$10$5\times10=50$11$5\times11=55$Therefore, from the ... Read More

Determine if the following are in proportion.
(a) 15, 45, 40, 120
(b) 33, 121, 9,96
(c) 24, 28, 36, 48
(d) 32, 48, 70, 210
(e) 4, 6, 8, 12
(f) 33, 44, 75, 100.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:49


To do:We have to determine whether the given numbers are in proportion.Solution:We know that, The proportion is defined as the equality of two ratios.If $p, q, r, s$ are in proportion then,  $\frac{p}{q} = \frac{r}{s}$. (a) The ratio of the first two numbers $=\frac{15}{45}$$=\frac{1}{3}$The ratio of the second two numbers ... Read More

Write True ( T ) or False ( F ) against each of the following statements :
(a) 16 : 24 :: 20 : 30
(b) 21: 6 :: 35 : 10
(c) 12 : 18 :: 28 : 12
(d) 8 : 9 :: 24 : 27
(e) 5.2 : 3.9 :: 3 : 4
(f) 0.9 : 0.36 :: 10 : 4.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:49


To do:We have to write True ( T ) or False ( F ) against each of the given statements.Solution:We know that, The proportion is defined as the equality of two ratios.If $p:q::r:s$ then,  $\frac{p}{q} = \frac{r}{s}$.(a) 16:24:: 20:30$16:24 = \frac{16}{24}$$=\frac{2}{3}$$20:30 = \frac{20}{30}$$=\frac{2}{3}$Since, $16:24 = 20:30$The given statement is True.(b)  ... Read More

Are the following statements true?
(a) 40 persons : 200 persons $=$ 15 Rs : 75Rs
(b) 7.5 litres : 15 litres $=$ 5 kg : 10 kg
(c) 99 kg : 45 kg $=$ Rs. 44 : Rs. 20
(d) 32 m : 64 m $=$ 6 sec : 12 sec
(e) 45 km : 60 km $=$ 12 hours : 15 hours.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:49


To do: We have to find whether the given statements are true.Solution:(a) $40\ persons: 200\ persons =Rs.\ 15: Rs.\ 75$The ratio of  $40\ persons: 200\ persons $$=\frac{40\ persons}{200\ persons}$$=\frac{1}{5}$The ratio of $Rs.\ 15: Rs.\ 75$ $=\frac{Rs.\ 15}{Rs.\ 75}$$= \frac{1}{5}$Since, $40\ persons : 200\ persons = Rs.\ 15 : Rs.\ 75$The given ... Read More

Determine if the following ratios form a proportion. Also, write the middle terms and extreme terms where the ratios form a proportion.
(a) 25 cm : 1 m and Rs. 40 : Rs. 160
(b) 39 litres : 65 litres and 6 bottles : 10 bottles
(c) 2 kg : 80 kg and 25 g : 625 g
(d) 200 ml : 2.5 litre and Rs.4 : Rs. 50.



Updated on 10-Oct-2022 13:36:49


To do:We have to determine whether the given ratios form a proportion and also the middle terms and extreme terms where the ratios form a proportion.Solution:We know that, The proportion is defined as the equality of two ratios.If $p, q, r, s$ are in proportion then,  $\frac{p}{q} = \frac{r}{s}$.(a) We ... Read More
