Tushar Sharma has Published 78 Articles

How do I Input a String From the User in Python?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 03:17:19

38K+ Views

In Python, there are several ways to input a string from the user. The most common method is by using the built-in function input(). This function allows the user to enter a string, which is then stored as a variable for use in the program. ExampleHere's an example of how ... Read More

How to take integer input in Python?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:49:34


The acquisition of integer input holds immense significance in various programming tasks, and the Python programming language offers a plethora of techniques to achieve this goal. This article embarks on an insightful journey to explore diverse methodologies for acquiring integer input in Python, focusing on the following strategies: ... Read More

How to swap columns of a given NumPy array?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:48:11


When it comes to manipulating NumPy arrays, there might be instances where you want to interchange the positions of two columns. In this article, we delve into four distinct techniques to exchange columns in a given NumPy array: utilizing advanced indexing, employing NumPy indexing, harnessing the np.swapaxes function, and leveraging ... Read More

How to suppress the use of scientific notations for small numbers using NumPy?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:45:14


When working with NumPy arrays, you may encounter small numbers represented in scientific notation. Although this compact representation is advantageous, deciphering or comparing values can be arduous. This guide delves into four distinct techniques to abate scientific notation usage for diminutive numbers in NumPy arrays: employing numpy.vectorize alongside string formatting, ... Read More

How to store XML data into a MySQL database using Python?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:43:01


XML (eXtensible Markup Language) stands tall as a widely embraced format for storing and exchanging structured information. In the realm of efficient data storage and retrieval, MySQL has earned its reputation as a go-to relational database management system (RDBMS). Python, blessed with its versatile libraries, presents an exquisite union for ... Read More

How to Subtract Two Columns in Pandas DataFrame?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:41:06

3K+ Views

While working with Pandas DataFrames, situations may arise where arithmetic operations between attributes are necessary. One such operation is deducting two attributes. In this guide, we will delve into three distinct techniques to deduct two attributes in a Pandas DataFrame: employing the `sub` method, utilizing the `apply` method combined with ... Read More

How to Standardize Data in a Pandas DataFrame?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:37:50

2K+ Views

In the vast expanse of data exploration, the art of standardization, sometimes referred to as feature scaling, assumes a paramount role as a preparatory step. It involves the transformation of disparate data elements into a harmonized range or scale, enabling fair analysis and comparison. Python's extraordinary library, Pandas, seamlessly facilitates ... Read More

How to Stack Multiple Pandas DataFrames?

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:34:13


The vast universe of Python includes a shining constellation named Pandas. Recognized globally for its might in data management and manipulation, it empowers data analysts with tools that act as an extension of their thoughts, transforming ideas into reality. The crux of this discussion lies in a particular feature ... Read More

How to split the Dataset With scikit-learnĂ­s train_test_split() Function

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:25:37


Embarking on the vast domains of machine learning and data science, one encounters tasks that might appear inconsequential but hold a crucial position in the broader perspective. One such vital task is the division of data into training and validation sets - a foundational step for creating an effective predictive ... Read More

How to Split Data into Training and Testing in Python without Sklearn

Tushar Sharma

Tushar Sharma

Updated on 28-Aug-2023 20:20:21


In the domain of machine learning or artificial intelligence models, data stands as the backbone. The way this data gets handled shapes the holistic performance of the model. This includes the indispensable task of segregating the dataset into learning and verification sets. While sklearn's train_test_split() is a frequently employed method, ... Read More

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