Tarun Singh has Published 103 Articles

How to modify different sizes of autocomplete in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:53:35


Popular React UI framework Material UI offers an array of components with a contemporary and minimalistic design. One of its features is autocomplete, which offers users beneficial suggestions as they work with input fields. Due to its adaptability, this component can be easily customized, including having its size changed to ... Read More

How to handle asynchronous requests in autocomplete in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:29:44


Modern web applications frequently use autocomplete components, which let users search for and choose options from a list of options as they type. The popular UI framework Material UI provides a robust Autocomplete component that enhances the user experience. Efficiently handling requests becomes crucial in scenarios where autocomplete data is ... Read More

How to group checkboxes in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:27:42


Material UI is a React component library that provides a wide range of pre designed and customizable UI components. When it comes to creating forms or applications that require users to choose items from a menu of options, checkboxes play a role, as an essential UI component. In this article, ... Read More

How to group autocomplete options in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:23:35


In this article, we will examine how Material UI, a well−liked library for creating user interfaces for React applications, groups autocomplete options. A key component of the Material UI is the Autocomplete component, which facilitates faster data entry by providing suggestions as user’s type. Although using autocomplete by default offers ... Read More

How to customize checkboxes in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:20:42


Material UI, a used frontend library offers a variety of pre designed and customizable UI components. When building forms or applications that require user input and selections checkboxes are commonly used. However, what if you want to personalize your checkboxes with attributes, like size, color, design, text, icons and more? ... Read More

How to customize autocomplete components in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:19:19


In this article, we will learn how to customize the autocomplete components in Material UI. Popular React UI framework Material UI provides a wide range of components with contemporary and elegant designs. Autocomplete, which offers users suggestions in real−time as they work with input fields, is one such flexible component. ... Read More

How to create loading buttons in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:17:57


The loading buttons, or simply the spinners that are used in the buttons, are a way to demonstrate that the state of a component is being loaded. The loading button can be used to display the progress of your projects as they load. They are solely made of Material UI, ... Read More

How to create complex buttons in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:15:23


Within web applications, buttons are essential for enabling user engagement. Sometimes we are in need of providing custom interaction to the users using their applications or websites. You can create complex buttons with cutting−edge features, unique styles, and interactive behavior in addition to the simple buttons with standard features that ... Read More

How to create animations for the Floating action button in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:13:10


A floating action button is a shape, with an icon at the center that appears in front of all screen content. Material UI is a known React component library that offers a range of pre designed and customizable UI components. Among these components the Floating Action Button (FAB) is quite ... Read More

How to change the size and color of the checkbox in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:11:13

1K+ Views

A checkbox is a key component when there is a need to choose multiple options from a list of options. To have control over the size of the checkboxes and to match the web design, ensure that proper sizes and colors have been added. In this article, we are going ... Read More
