Tarun Singh has Published 103 Articles

How to change size, color, and direction of Radio buttons in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 14:30:50


Implementing radio buttons, in Material UI, a used UI framework for React is straightforward. You can effortlessly customize the size, color, and orientation of the radio buttons to match the design of your application. In this article, we will explore how to modify the size, color, and orientation of radio ... Read More

How to change button group appearance in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:21:21


In this article, we will explore how to customize the appearance of a button group, in Material UI so that it suits the needs of your application. Material UI, also known as MUI is a frontend library developed by Google. It provides a collection of to use React components that ... Read More

How to align and overlap Badge in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:10:24


Badges play an important role in designing a web UI, whether you are building a social media site, a messaging app, or anything else that requires the use of badges. Material UI provides an easy way to accomplish this task with just one component called the Badge API. So, in ... Read More

How to add styled components in Material UI using React?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:08:57


Styled Components, a highly acclaimed library within the React ecosystem, empowers developers to utilize CSS-in-JS, presenting advantages such as encapsulation, reusability, and simplified style maintenance. On the other hand, Material-UI stands as a widely embraced UI component library for React that diligently adheres to the principles of Material Design. It ... Read More

How to add Icons with TextField using Input Adornments in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:08:04


In this article, we will learn How to add Icons to text fields using input adornments in Material UI. But before we learn adding icons to text-field using input adornments, we must know what input adornments are? Input adornments are nothing but extra text or icons that are added to ... Read More

How to use virtual lists in autocomplete components in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:06:32


Displaying lists of data is a common requirement for web applications. or tables with scrollable headers. Most likely, you have performed it countless times. But what if you have to display thousands of rows simultaneously? In this article, we will look at how to use Material UI's Autocomplete components' virtual ... Read More

How to use multiple autocomplete values in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:04:48


An effective Autocomplete component is provided by the well-liked UI framework Material UI for React applications. Users can search and choose options from a predefined list as they type thanks to the autocomplete feature. Although choosing one option is the default behavior, there are some situations where we might want ... Read More

How to use controlled states in ComboBox in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 12:01:28


In the realm of user interface development, proficiently managing user interactions is paramount. Material UI's Autocomplete component offers the concept of controlled states, allowing developers to regulate the component's behavior and data through external state management. Unlike relying solely on the component's local state, controlled states enable synchronization with the ... Read More

How to split button groups in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:59:52


Material UI, also known as MUI is a front−end library developed by Google. It provides a collection of React components that can be utilized across frameworks, like React and NextJS. The Material UI library includes a component called "buttongroup, " which allows for the grouping of two or more buttons. ... Read More

How to set indeterminate state in the checkbox in Material UI?

Tarun Singh

Tarun Singh

Updated on 30-Oct-2023 11:55:11


There will be some scenarios where we need to set an indeterminate state at a point in time in a checkbox. A checkbox is a key component when there is a need to choose multiple options from a list of options. In this article, we are going to learn how ... Read More
