Tapas Kumar Ghosh has Published 150 Articles

Finding the frequency of a given Datatype in a Python tuple

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:55:47


The tuple is a popular datatype of Python that represents the collection of objects or elements separated by commas. The frequency of data type defines the total number of counts of a specific variable type. Python has four primitive variable types: integer, float, boolean, and string. In Python, we have ... Read More

Check Duplicate in a Stream of Strings

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:53:12


The stream of strings is a sequential flow of given data where an individual element of the stream represents a string. The stream allows a large process of string data In C++, we have some STL(Standard template library) based functions such as count() and insert() to Check duplicate in ... Read More

Python - Find Keys with Specific Suffix in Dictionary

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:37:38


The suffix of keys is a group of letters that is mentioned at the end of the word. In this problem statement, we need to create the specific variable that set the suffix key to filter the result by using some specific conditions. In Python, we have some built-in ... Read More

Check whether all the substrings have number of vowels atleast as that of consonants

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:35:35


In Alphabetical series there are consists of 26 characters of which 5 characters are vowels such as a, e, i, o, u and the rest are called as consonants. In C++, we have predefined functions such as tolower() and length() that will help to Check whether all the substrings have ... Read More

Python - Interconvert Tuple to Byte Integer

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:34:13


The tuple is ordered or a finite sequence to collect the data. It can be represented by using parenthesis i.e. (). A byte integer is a simple number without having decimal or fractional values. In Python, we have some built-in functions such as from_bytes(), bytes(), unpack(), and, enumerate() will be ... Read More

Python - Index Match Element Product

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:32:51


The Index match element Product refers to two different lists where it contains the elements and set to respective variable. If common matches are found, then it filters the element by multiplication. To solve this problem statement, Python has some built-in functions such as range(), len(), zip(), prod(), reduce(), and, ... Read More

Python - Indices of Atmost K Elements in List

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:30:58


The atmost K element is set to a specific value in the given list to filter those indices whose elements are greater than the K value. In Python, we have some built-in functions such as enumerate(), range(), len(), where(), map(), range(), and, filter() that will be used to solve the ... Read More

Python - Frequency of Elements from Other List

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:28:34


The frequency of elements consists of two different lists where one list defines the unique element and the other list defines the number of repetitions of the same element w.r.t to the first list. Then use some conditions and operations in the dictionary to set each element of the first ... Read More

Python - K difference Consecutive Element

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 15:26:53


The K difference is set to any value that will be used to set the difference between two numbers. The consecutive element is those elements that follow the sequential order. In Python, we have some built-in functions such as range(), len(), abs(), append(), and, sort() will be used to solve ... Read More

Python - Find Index Containing String in List

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Tapas Kumar Ghosh

Updated on 16-Aug-2023 10:41:50

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Sometimes working with Python string, we may come across a real-world scenario where it can be useful for text parsing, pattern matching, and extracting specific information from text data. In Python, we have some built-in functions such as type(), index(), append(), and, isinstance() will be used to find the index ... Read More
