Sunidhi Bansal has Published 1100 Articles

deque front( ) and deque back( ) in C++ in STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 11:26:37


Given is the task to show the functionality of deque front( ) and deque back( ) function in C++ STLWhat is DequeDeque is the Double Ended Queues that are the sequence containers which provides the functionality of expansion and contraction on both the ends. A queue data structure allow user ... Read More

deque push_back( ) in C++ in STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 11:22:30


Given is the task to show the functionality of deque push_back( ) function in C++ STLWhat is DequeDeque is the Double Ended Queues that are the sequence containers which provides the functionality of expansion and contraction on both the ends. A queue data structure allow user to insert data only ... Read More

list insert( ) in C++ STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 11:10:18

9K+ Views

Given is the task to show the functionality list insert( ) function in C++ in STL.What is List in STLList are containers that allow constant time insertion and deletion anywhere in sequence. List are implemented as doubly linked lists. List allow non-contiguous memory allocation. List perform better insertion extraction and ... Read More

deque_resize( ) in C++ in STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 11:03:42


Given is the task to show the functionality of deque resize( ) function in C++ STL.What is DequeDeque is the Double Ended Queues that are the sequence containers which provides the functionality of expansion and contraction on both the ends. A queue data structure allow user to insert data only ... Read More

list unique( ) in C++ STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 10:55:05


Given is the task to show the functionality list unique( ) function in C++ in STL.What is List in STLList are containers that allow constant time insertion and deletion anywhere in sequence. List are implemented as doubly linked lists. List allow non-contiguous memory allocation. List perform better insertion extraction and ... Read More

list begin( ) and list end( ) in C++ STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 26-Feb-2020 10:47:14


Given is the task to show the functionality list begin( ) and list end( ) function in C++ in STL.What is List in STLList is a data structure that allows constant time insertion and deletion anywhere in sequence. Lists are implemented as doubly linked lists. Lists allow non-contiguous memory allocation. ... Read More


Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 10:03:30


Given the task is to show the working of deque::cbegin() in C++ STL.What is Deque::cbegin( ) function?deque::cbegin() is a function which comes under deque header file, cbegin() returns the iterator pointer which points to the first element of the deque container.Note − cbegin() function does not have any arguments in ... Read More

iswcntrl() function in C++ STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 09:59:01


The iswcntrl () function in C++ standard template library(STL) is used to check if the given wide character is a control character or not. A control character is a character in C/C++ that won’t occupy a printing position on a display screen. Iswcntrl() function is defined in a cwctype header ... Read More

Iswctype() function in C++ STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 09:50:37


In C++ standard template libraray(STL), iswctype() function is used to check if the given wide character has property specified by desc.Iswctype() is an in built function whose header file is “ctype.h”.Syntax of Iswctype() is as followsint iswctype(wint_t c, wctype_t desc); iswctype () / Checks whether whether c has the property ... Read More

iswdigit() function in C++ STL

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 30-Jan-2020 09:44:13


In C++ STL, iswdigit() function is a built-in function that is used to check if the given wide character is a decimal digit character or some other character. This function is present in a cwctype header file in C/C++.What are the decimal digit characters?Decimal digit character are the numeric values ... Read More
