Sunidhi Bansal has Published 1100 Articles

Maximizing Probability of one type from N containers in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:40:16


Probability Pi= (No. of Favourable Outcomes) / (Total no. of Outcomes).Given is a number N which is the number of containers present. And we have N copies of two numbers X and Y. The task is to divide copies of one number X into N containers such that the probability ... Read More

Maximize volume of cuboid with given sum of sides in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:38:44


We are given with a sum of sides of a cuboid. A cuboid has three sides length, breadth and height. The volume of cuboid is calculated as a product of all three sides.Volume of Cuboid = Length X Breadth X HeightThe maximum volume can be achieved if all three sides ... Read More

Maximize the value of A by replacing some of its digits with digits of B in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:36:41


The task is to maximize the value of number A by replacing some of its digits with digits present in another number B. No digits will be replaced if A’s value cannot be maximized.Note − a digit from B can be used only once.Let’s now understand what we have to ... Read More

Maximize the sum of X+Y elements by picking X and Y elements from 1st and 2nd array in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:34:56


For the given two arrays each of size N, the task is to find the maximum sum by choosing X elements from array 1 and Y elements from array 2.Let’s now understand what we have to do using an example −Input arr1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} ; X=2 arr2 ... Read More

Maximum difference of indices (i, j) such that A[i][j] = 0 in the given matrix in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:33:17


We are given with a matrix of size n x n and a condition that a[i][j] = 0 and the task is to calculate the maximum difference of indices having a[i][j] = 0. So, we can clearly state that there must be at least one zero in a matrix.Input int matrix[][] ... Read More

Maximize the maximum among minimum of K consecutive sub-arrays in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:31:05


Given the task is to divide an array arr[] into K consecutive sub-arrays and find the maximum possible value of maximum among the minimum of the K consecutive sub-srrays.Input arr[]={2, 8, 4, 3, 9, 1, 5}, K=3Output 9Explanation − The 3 consecutive sub arrays that can made are: {2, 8, 4, 3}, ... Read More

Maximize the number of sum pairs which are divisible by K in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:28:06


Given the task is to calculate the maximum number of pairs arr[i] + arr[j] that are divisible by K where arr[] is an array containing N integers.Given the condition that a particular index number cannot be used in more than one pair.Inputarr[]={1, 2 ,5 ,8 ,3 }, K=2Output 2Explanation − The ... Read More

Maximize the product of four factors of a Number in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:24:30


Given the task is to calculate the maximum product that can be obtained from four factors A, B, C, D of a given number N, given the condition −The sum of the four factors should be equal to the number N, that is, N=A+B+C+D.Input − N=10Output − 20Explanation − The ... Read More

Maximize the given number by replacing a segment of digits with the alternate digits given in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:20:47


Given the task is to maximize a given number with ‘N’ number of digits by replacing its digit using another array that contains 10 digits as an alternative for all single-digit numbers 0 to 9, The given condition is that only a consecutive segment of numbers can be replaced and ... Read More

Maximize the profit by selling at-most M products in C++

Sunidhi Bansal

Sunidhi Bansal

Updated on 14-Aug-2020 07:18:37


Given the task is to calculate the maximum profit that can be made by selling at-most ‘M’ products.The total number of products are ‘N’ and the cost price and the selling price of each product is given in the lists CP[] and SP[] respectively.Input N=6, M=4 CP[]={1, 9, 5, 8, 2, ... Read More
