Siva Sai has Published 279 Articles

Installing PIP on Linux to Manage Python Packages

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 14:23:18

1K+ Views

Python is probably one of the most used programming languages in the tech-driven world of today. The language is popular among developers all around the world because it is flexible, effective, and provides a wide range of third-party modules. PIP is a key element that facilitates Python package management. This ... Read More

string__npos in C++ with Examples

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 14:10:08

1K+ Views

In this article, we will delve into a specific aspect of string handling in C++: the string::npos constant. string::npos is a static member constant value with the greatest possible value for an element of type size_t. This constant is defined with a value of -1, which, when cast to size_t, ... Read More

Random password generator in C

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 14:00:09

1K+ Views

In this article, we will delve into an interesting and practical problem related to string manipulation in C programming. We are going to build a "Random Password Generator" in C. This problem not only enhances your understanding of string manipulation but also your knowledge of the C Standard Library. Problem ... Read More

Python program to find the smallest word in a sentence

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 12:36:45


Welcome to this in-depth tutorial on how to write a Python program to find the smallest word in a sentence. Whether you are a beginner or an intermediate Python programmer, this guide will offer the knowledge and skills necessary to use Python's powerful features in text manipulation. Problem Statement Given ... Read More

Modify string by rearranging vowels in alphabetical order at their respective indices

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 12:25:24


In this article, we will discuss how to modify a given string in C++ by rearranging the vowels in alphabetical order at their respective indices. We will also explain the approach used to solve this problem and provide an example with a test case. Problem Statement Given a string, rearrange ... Read More

Modify string by inserting characters such that every K-length substring consists of unique characters only

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 12:23:02


A common task when working with strings is to make sure that a string adheres to certain conditions. One of these conditions could be to ensure that every substring of length K in the string contains unique characters only. This is a frequent requirement in problems related to data encoding, ... Read More

Minimum number of swaps required such that a given substring consists of exactly K 1s

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 12:10:54


Finding the minimum number of swaps required for a substring to contain exactly K 1s is a common problem in the realm of computer science and programming. In this article, we will delve deep into this problem and provide a C++ solution for it. This problem has its applications in ... Read More

Minimum non-adjacent pair flips required to remove all 0s from a Binary String

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 12:05:46


In binary strings, flipping a pair of adjacent bits can easily remove a single 0 from the string. However, when we need to remove all the 0s from the binary string, we may need to flip non-adjacent pairs of bits as well. In this article, we will discuss how to ... Read More

Minimize length of a string by removing occurrences of another string from it as a substring

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 11:52:32


In this article, we delve into a challenging and interesting string manipulation problem in C++. The problem we're discussing today is "Minimize the length of a string by removing occurrences of another string from it as a substring". This problem is an excellent exercise in understanding strings, substrings, and algorithmic ... Read More

Minimize characters to be changed to make the left and right rotation of a string same

Siva Sai

Siva Sai

Updated on 18-May-2023 11:44:07


When working with strings, it's common to encounter problems that involve rotation, a process that reorders the characters in a string by moving a certain number of characters to the opposite end of the string. In this article, we will explore an interesting problem: how to minimize the number of ... Read More
