Shubham Vora has Published 962 Articles

How can I show a euro or other HTML entity in JavaScript alert windows?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 10-Aug-2022 11:42:56


This tutorial will teach us to show a euro or HTML entity in JavaScript alert Window. There are three pop-up windows in JavaScript. Alert box, Confirm box, and Prompt box. The alert box is useful to show some information to the user, such as a welcome message or user’s info. ... Read More

How can I force clients to refresh JavaScript files?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 10-Aug-2022 11:36:46

10K+ Views

This tutorial teaches us to force clients to refresh JavaScript files. Now, the question is, why do we need to force clients to refresh the JavaScript files? Let’s understand it by example issue. Suppose we have deployed the application and lots of users are using our application. Now, to improve the ... Read More

How can I store JavaScript objects in cookies?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 09-Aug-2022 14:23:20

10K+ Views

This tutorial will teach us to store JavaScript objects into the cookies. The cookies are the information of website visitors stored in the text files. There is a particular mechanism to store the cookies of users' browsers. When new visitors visit the website, the server generates the text and sends ... Read More

How to concatenate multiple string variables in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 11:38:55

17K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn to concatenate the multiple string variables in JavaScript. It’s many times needed that we need to concatenate two strings in a single variable and use it. The simple meaning of concatenation is to merge two or multiple strings. Also, string concatenation is useful to ... Read More

How to change the color of the alert box in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 11:29:03

8K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn to change the color of the alert box in JavaScript. Also, we will learn to style the whole alert box, including the content of the alert box. In JavaScript, the alert box is the best way to show the success, failure, or informative messages ... Read More

How to convert Boolean to Number in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 09:18:13

3K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will convert Boolean to Number in JavaScript. The Boolean is the variable's data type, which is supported by JavaScript like the other programming languages. The Boolean data type contains only two values, true and false. In some cases, programmers must convert the true or false value ... Read More

How to convert Binary to Decimal in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 09:12:08

6K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn to convert the binary to decimal in JavaScript. The Binary number is used in digital electronics. It is a string of ‘0’ and ‘1’, representing the number with respect to base 2. Here are the different methods below to convert the binary number to ... Read More

How to convert a string into upper case using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 09:10:25

2K+ Views

This tutorial will teach us to convert the string into the upper case. In many governments, websites users have seen while filling forms, characters are automatically converted into the upper case to avoid any mistakes. It needs to do because JavaScript is a case-sensitive language, and if the user adds ... Read More

How to convert a string into the lower case using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 09:08:41

1K+ Views

This tutorial will teach us to convert the string into the lower case. Programmers can ask themselves why they need to convert the string in the lower case? Let’s understand the answer using the single example. Suppose you are developing the application and need to take input from the user ... Read More

How to compare two numbers in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 08-Aug-2022 09:02:40

16K+ Views

In this tutorial, we will learn to compare two numbers in JavaScript. If you are a competitive coder or application developer, in these cases, you need to make a comparison between two numbers and need to perform the particular operation basis on the comparison result of the numbers. Still, many ... Read More
