Shubham Vora has Published 962 Articles

How to create Dialog Box in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:14:41

12K+ Views

The dialog box is a popup box like a modal in ReactJS. In vanilla JavaScript, maybe you have used the alert() method, which allows us to show an alert message in the alert box. Also, vanilla JavaScript provides the confirm box and prompt box to take user input. The dialog ... Read More

How to create Date Picker in ReactJS?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:13:42

8K+ Views

The date picker allows users of the application to pick a date. If we take data in the string format from the users, they can make a mistake while entering the date and enter the wrong format of the date. So, the best way to take a correct date input ... Read More

How to compare two objects to determine if the first object contains equivalent property values to the second object in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:10:32

1K+ Views

In JavaScript, the object contains various properties and methods. For every property, it contains a value. We need to compare the values of the property also to make the comparison between two objects. Here, we will learn to check if the first object contains all properties that the second object ... Read More

How to Create Dark/Light Mode for a Website using JavaScript/jQuery?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:07:34

7K+ Views

Dark mode is very important for any website. Users with different interests visit the websites. Some of them like dark mode, and some like light mode. According to one survey, around 70 to 80% of people like dark mode, and only 20 to 30% like light mode. So, it is ... Read More

How to create Dark Mode in ReactJS using Material UI?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 15:05:48

2K+ Views

Using the Material UI library, we will learn to create a Dark Mode in ReactJS. The Material UI is the external react library that provides the designed react components that we can directly use in our react project by importing from the library. In the world, most users like dark ... Read More

How to create a chart using bootstrap?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 16-Feb-2023 14:57:45

2K+ Views

The chart is very important to visualize the data, and we can show the data in various formats and analyze the pattern in the data. Also, the chart is more important for data scientists as they need to analyze the various data. Bootstrap is a library that allows us to ... Read More

Computer Network - Definition, Components, Objectives

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 23-Jan-2023 15:11:53

2K+ Views

PCs are incredible things; however, they genuinely sparkle when they are important for an organization. When a gadget is associated with an organization, it can achieve a lot more, including web surfing, conveying and working with partners, looking into data, putting away information, and managing a monetary exchange, in addition ... Read More

How utility types are used in TypeScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 20-Jan-2023 18:08:57


TypeScript allows us to create a new type from the existing types, and we can use the utility types for such transformation. There are various utility types that exist in TypeScript, and we can use any utility type according to our requirements of the type transformation. In this tutorial, we ... Read More

How does tuple destructuring work in TypeScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 20-Jan-2023 18:04:48

1K+ Views

In TypeScript, a tuple is an object which contains the values of different data types. The length of a tuple is always pre-defined. It is similar to an array, but the array contains the values of only one data type, and the tuple contains values of multiple data types. Destructuring ... Read More

How to use the readonly keyword in TypeScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 20-Jan-2023 18:03:30


We will learn to use the readonly keyword in TypeScript. The readonly keyword allows developers to make class properties and members read-only, and we can’t edit the value of the read-only properties. It works the same as the const keyword, but the const keyword is used for the variables, and ... Read More
