Shubham Vora has Published 962 Articles

jQuery lose focus event

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 16:26:45

2K+ Views

The jQuery allows developers to write readable code than JavaScript. We can decrease the 10’s of lines of JavaScript code into the 3 to 4 lines using jQuery. Sometimes, we need to use jQuery to perform some operation whenever an element loses focus. We can use jQuery's focusOut() and blur() ... Read More

jQuery Jcrop Plugin

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 16:22:31


Jquery contains various plugins providing different functionalities, like the NPM package, and Jcrop is one of them. The Jcrop plugin allows developers to add functionalities related to image cropping in the application. Sometimes, we require to allow users to crop images. For example, if we build an extension or application ... Read More

jQuery BlockUI Plugin

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 16:18:57

2K+ Views

Nowadays, asynchronous JavaScript is becoming more popular as we don’t require to reload the web page to update the data of the web page. We can use the AJAX request to fetch data from the database and update it on the web page without reloading it. However, it always takes ... Read More

Minification of CSS files

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 16:00:07


If your app takes more than 3 seconds to load, you lose 50% of visitors. So, a slow-loading website can be frustrating for users, and they can navigate away from your site. However, there can be many causes for the slow website, but one of them is larger CSS files. ... Read More

Liquid Layout in CSS

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 15:55:24


As the name suggests, the meaning of the liquid layout is flooding layout. It changes the dimensions of the HTML elements according to the screen dimensions. Whenever we use the hard-coded dimension values for HTML elements, it creates a fixed layout with a 90% chance of overflow. So, it is ... Read More

Modern CSS Cards

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 15:52:58


Nowadays, creating cards on a website is very important to show various data on the website. For example, on the home page of TutorialsPoint’s website, you will find different courses in the card format, and when you click on the card, it redirects you to the particular page of the ... Read More

Neon Text Display Using HTML & CSS

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 05-May-2023 15:49:30


Nowadays, creating Neon text on the web page is a trend to make it attractive. We can create a Neon text on the web page to generate an eye-catching effect and draw a user’s attention towards the important information that the web page contains. We can use neon texts with ... Read More

What is the App Shell Model in JavaScript?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 04-May-2023 16:59:13


The App Shell Model is a design pattern that keeps a web app's UI and data modules apart. Caching the user interface in this design may load content on the fly. This method is widely utilized in progressive web apps (PWAs) because of its many speed and user experience benefits. ... Read More

How to create a reporting app with Vue 3 and Composition API?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 04-May-2023 16:58:27


Vue is a JavaScript framework that allows developers to create web applications. It is mainly used to build single-page web applications. There are lots of benefits to using the vue to create web applications, such as easy structure, lightweight, component-based architecture, etc. Before we start with the tutorial, let’s learn ... Read More

How to control fps with requestAnimationFrame?

Shubham Vora

Shubham Vora

Updated on 04-May-2023 16:56:48


The fps word is generally associated with videos and games where we require to use animations. The fps is an abbreviation of frames per second, and it means how many times it’s rerendering the current screen. For example, a video is a continuous row of images. It means it shows ... Read More
