Shriansh Kumar has Published 173 Articles

Recursive Constructor Invocation in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 16-May-2023 10:37:38


Recursive Constructor Invocation is a compile time error that occurs when a constructor calls itself. It is similar to recursion where a method calls itself as often as necessary. The method that calls itself is called as recursive method and the constructor that calls itself is called as recursive constructor. ... Read More

StAX vs SAX Parser in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:41:53

2K+ Views

Both StAX and SAX are a type of XML parser APIs. Here, API stands for Application Programming Interface and Parser is used to read and extract content from an XML document in desired format. From this line, it is clear that StAX and SAX are used to read XML documents. ... Read More

Similarities between TreeMap and TreeSet in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:39:43


The TreeMap and TreeSet, both are the part of Collection Framework classes. There exist a few differences as well as a few similarities in their implementation and working. The TreeMap maintains key-value pair on the other hand the TreeSet does not have this feature. In this article, we will discuss ... Read More

Standard Practice for Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:38:14


Every time we do surfing on the Web or we download any file from Web, we take a risk of a virus attack. Maybe that file contains some malicious code that can breach the security and gain unauthorized access to system resources. If we are building an application that has ... Read More

Size of file on the Internet using Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:35:08


Determining the size of a file on the Internet seems a little tricky, but it is a quite simple and easy task. Java provides some built-in features that can be used for the given task. In this article, we will discuss how to make a connection to the Internet and ... Read More

Some important terms in Spring Security

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:29:39


Spring is the most famous Java Web Framework available nowadays. It serves to build web applications through Java programming language. To work with this framework one needs to have a strong background and understanding of Java. It is essential to protect our valuable data from unethical practices. In this article, ... Read More

Simple Calculator using TCP in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:26:02


The Internet Protocol suite contains all sort of protocols that enables communication between devices over the Internet. TCP is the most common protocol of this suite. It is a connection-oriented protocol, which means it maintains the established connection between two devices till the end of a communication. This is ... Read More

Shuffling Elements of Unordered Collections in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:18:55


There are two types of collections in Java. One is ordered and the other one is unordered collection. The ordered collections store their elements in the order in which they are inserted i.e. it maintains the insertion order of elements. Whereas, the unordered collections such as Map and Set do ... Read More

Rules of Downcasting Objects in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:16:38


In Java, downcasting is the process of converting an object of parent class to object of child class. We need to perform the conversion explicitly. It is quite similar to what we do in primitive typecasting. In this article, we will learn about downcasting and what are the rules that ... Read More

Searching Elements in Vector Using Index in Java

Shriansh Kumar

Shriansh Kumar

Updated on 15-May-2023 17:13:58


Vectors implement the List interface and are used to create dynamic arrays. The array whose size is not fixed and can grow as per our needs is called as a dynamic array. The vectors are very similar to ArrayList in terms of use and features. In this article, we will ... Read More
